at least i tried..*shrugs*
ok i know it is not exactly revamped.. but the colours are brighter..layout is simplier.. and erm i did the heading myself. Give the girl a break ok, at least i tried. Anihoo, i'm just came back from Bali (Lurved it!) and leaving for aussie on 26th. Be back on July 12th, just in time for THE BIRTHDAY *neon flash lights* on JULY 18th *hit the sirens!!*
And.. here are pics from Bali. I knoe you pple feed on pictures so here goes.

View From the hotel.. prettieee

just making full use of the facilities in the room

Glass bottles dun you just miss em?

Seafood with a view.. and everybody gets a flower in their hair

can you imagine eating seafood with a view lke that in front of you? man i was more busy snappin pics

Ok..enjoy.. me in a skirt and flower in my hair

Making friends everywhere i went.. teman baik saya..

Now thats an active volcano behind us

frying coffee beans..looks like he's having fun yah??

At the ancient temple, with our nice yellow and orange sashes

The balinese believe if you're sick or down in luck you shld drink from the respective fountain and you'll be healed.The problem is figuring out which fountain is for what..only the high priest knows.

No those are not ugly hats..those are freshlyharvested rice..

found romance in Bali..

snapping pictures on the plane