I have a problem.
Ladies and Gents, My name is Denise. I have a problem. Actualli i have alot of problems but thats besides the point. The point is i'm Too Oversensitive. Thats Right! not only am i OVERsensitive, I'm TOO OVERsensitive. I'm so OVERsensitive, i'm starting to suspect that i'm being oversensitive about being oversensitive. You see arh being sensitive has its plus points. You have a good read about the people ard you, enabling you to be there if someone's down or troubled. BUt there is a downside. You also tend to be judgemental, jumping to your own conclusions - too fast and too furious. Many a times, i have been blessed with realising that the very people i've have been so quick to label as proud, or bitchy turn out to be great people!..and in some cases BESTfriends!! (heh lets not name names and get myself in trouble) Which leads me to think.. wouldn't it be the saddest thing, if i've prevented myself from getting to know what could have been the nicest people God had planted around me? Its ironical too, because my mum always says "when you're alone arh you look like the whole world owes you money" So if i'm one of those people who look moody and snorty when actually i'm not (i hope), why am i crucifying my "own kind". Anyways its 1 am now and i just had to write this down... i'll make it a personal mission to,
(a) look less like the whole world owes me money when i'm alone
(b) Not be so quick to label and judge people
(c) Not let insignificant things affect me so much. People can only make you feel small if you let them.
Well, people say admiting you have a problem is the first step.. i've taken my first step today..heres to advancing to the next level! Cheers