[d]iRt@e Lau[d]ry
Sunday, June 19, 2005
  hey hey hey its Fathers' Day
My family has always been big on celebrations. Birthdays, anniversaries, mother's day u name it.. yah so we most definitely celebrated Fathers' Day today. To be exact, we started celebrations on friday. Makan cleverly arranged so that we wouldn't have to wrestle for the waiter's attention on Sunday. Originally, planning for fathers' day was left to the sis and the mom. After my lil outbreak the other time, they..or rather, I decided it was time the sis took over some of the responsibilities and of course my sis can't do anything without my mum, so she signed on as well. The result, was surprises that never came through but still a very happy father on fathers'day. The Magnificent Duo or Blur and blurer as i like to call em, turned every surprise into a comic act.. gees..but at least they contributed this time, and ME.. well i got to sit back, relax and laugh.
At church this morning, i tot father's sermon was very good. He said: " be patient with your fathers, none of us are prefect. Maybe one day, we'll have to take on the responsibility of caring for them. Bear in mind, that how you treat them, and care for them is exactly how you will be cared for in the future." Not meaning to brag at this point, i must give myself a pat on the back for patience with the Dad. His hearing is becoming a real problem. He can't hear you most of the time, so you have to repeat, and raise your voice and it is thruthfully quite tiring. Somedays you lack the patience to put up with him saying HUH? for the quadrillionth time and you snap.. then you regret.. and you bring him chocolate... heh..Dads..the drive you crazy most of the times..then they go and do something so sweet, you can't help but wipe the slate clean and start all over again. I LOVE YA DADDY!! *muaks*
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