Take That! you.. "I-only-have-until-size-8" shops!!
ok so i went shoppin todae. After a whole night of feelin so wronged, i went shoppin with a vengence. Okay not exactly vengence more like shoppin with a greater power at my side. Nah nope not the fashion police more like the power of prayer. Both my mum and i said a lil prayer b4 we headed out todae..i mean the wedding is wednesday and this morn i had nuthin to wear! So to cut the LOoong story short, today I was reminded of 2 very important lessons.
1. Why insist on carryin the burden when God is so ever ready to give, if you'd only have the sense to ask?
2. When the Lord gives, he gives abundantly. Overflowing cup people, overflowing!
Yest, i couldn't find anything decent lookin and the best part, they cost a friggin' bomb. Today, we started from CK tang ended at OG Orchard Point. If you will kindly refer to specimen A below,
You'll see that we (mostly I) bought something from 5 different major shoppin centres. A black dress from Tangs (totally just to make my mum happy), Wedding Gift from Taka, Red skirt from Dorothy Perkins at Metro Paragon ( Skirt was only one left in ALL outlets and was 50% percent Off! best part its something i'd actually wear more then once), Acessories from Robinsons and 2 tops from OG (20% off). My mum - the self declared shopping queen of the world has openly relinquished her title to ME for today. you have no idea how mani times today she looked at me with disbelief, shook her head and said :" today arh, realli your day, all got your size, then cheap somemore then nicer somemore..hmmph so unfair." So.. even though i really feel and look uncomfortable in the black dress, i've at least bot some stuff i like and experienced the immense thrill of genuine retail therapy!! It all goes to show,You'd really never know whad yo';d get when you put your trust and faith in the right places. So..your truly was suffering ffrom intensive shopper's fatigue when i came back but i had a smile plastered on my face. You know why? its so seldom that i buy dresses and skirts, DAD's PAYING!! so whu really cares if i dun like the dress? Whhhahahha
Photos From Sat's Dinner at Moi House.My pwetty aunt, her sweetest (and cutest) fiance and her very french parents. Is it just me or does Joseph's dad look like Colonel Sanders (KFC guy)!
The gaggle of cousins and nieces..You try taking a photo with 4 very high on sugar kids!!