[d]iRt@e Lau[d]ry
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
  it ain over till its over.
Today was just wanna those days, where you had something really cool planned but you were just too pooped to go thru with plan but you were too guilty to cancel plan so then you decide to stick with it cause after-all it was a good plan AND THEN... *deep breath* the other party calls while you were still mid way between LalaLand and the real world to reschedule because something shitty popped up.. so then you fall blissfully back into your bed, nestle back into the 56 pillows you have, wonder why you never suffocated yourself in your sleep before, grin in contentment (guilt free) and thank God for his marvellous planning skills.
Yup long story short, slept in late today..woke up at 1130 which really isn't bad at all considering its the holidays and my record is 2pm. yeah must have been that DIS-gusting mugging period while i had to wake at 7 to get to library at 8... Eeeee pui pui pui i am supposed to forget forget that Dark period.. pui pui pui CHOY!
First thing i saw this morning, my red..no wait purple.. no actually its my supposed to be purple but under the light looks red hair.. i cant decide if i like it.. its... Different. Bumped into someone i knew but havent met in a while.. first thing he said- " OMG, is that Denise Tan with girly pink hair?" NUMBER ONE!! its NOT PINK... its supposed to be purple but looks red under the sun!! oh but we were indoors so its supposed to be PURPLE.. PINK??? tsk.. i would've smacked him or body slammed him but being the peace and harmony advocate i am, i decided just to stare at him like there were jets of fire shooting outta my eyes... " hey pea brain, its not pink lah you colur-blind rodent and its most definately not girly!" this guy being a guy *roll eyes* just didn't know trouble when it shot fire from its eyes actually went on to say " its definately girly.. all you need is a skirt and a short one perferably" At this point, i had a Incredible Hulk moment and rage took over.. i blanked out and the next thing i knew, there were blood on my hands.. and i couldn't find him anywhere.. o well i'm sure the hospital will take good care of him... mOOooving on...
i think my friend-radar is wonky... i keep getting these vibes but the signals are abit Off leh.. not as accurate as they used to be..like i just felt like someone dear to me was feeling down but we had a talk and she seems fine.. then someone else i that i thought was fine had a breakdown on the phone with me.. damn.. *shakes friend-radar* does this come with a warrenty? anyway maybe i've just become clueless... i don't like that i wanna know if my pals are in need of a moral booster..tell ya guys what.. since the system will be down for the time being, if you're feeling
(b)angry with me
(e) another other complex human emotion
please let me know kay cause i wouldn't have a clue if you didn't.
And last update on this entry... i'm in love with this Rob Thomas song. He sang it live during AMA..B.E.A utifULL but the real reason why i love it because it reminds me a very special song. its freaky how similar the lyrics are and its BeautiFULL!!
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