Spring Cleaning.
Just clearing out the photos in my phone. Yes i realise that once again i've left my blog to rot in failure-to-update hell.
Its been on heck of a holiday, but its so hard to string together alphabets to tell you exactly how i spent it but i think it was good. I think i had sufficient family time, work time, Css time, friends time maybe not enough personal God time. But new year, new start, new commitments yar. Phhft Im starting to sound like some horoscope magazine. GeeZ. MOOoving On....
Annette "sesame" Woo is so gonna yell at me for these photos but well everyone else at the science library everyday already knows we are off our rockers...what more harm can come out of this right?
Its amazing what one shawl and a few scrunchies can do. really.
Would you look at this woman wearing her jacket inside out and flashing the labels for the world to see!! That is what i had to put up with OK on top of studying. She was completely clueless that she was wearing it inside out until she tried to put her hands into the pocket...*shakes head*
Ok. Annette says she has beautiful handwriting which she is really proud of OK..always showing off to me..and putting it up on display.. I let you see lah hor..i think it speaks for itself.. What we think of it, you and I know can already lah hor.. she can live in her own self delusion ok. set arh. ok.

K enuff. Next entry we will talk about Japan.