[d]iRt@e Lau[d]ry
Thursday, November 02, 2006
  My name is Jose.
Thursday. 2nd November.

November. How the hell did we get here? They say time files, I say time has just invented a new way of getting around and it must be one hell of an effective mode of transport because its definately much faster than bloody flyin' ! I apologise for the harsh language. I am too tired to watch my language at the moment. Spent. Nothing new really, life in NUS is like the dreadly monthly menstrual cycle -

1. Its gives you cramps
2. It makes you all pale and lathargic
3. It definately makes you moody
4. Its the same sequence of things every cycle.

Denise starts school feeling like THIS year she will do better than last year, she will be at every lecture on time, she will understand every lecture, she will complete every assignment in advance and she will start preparing for exams early. Nearing the end of semester, Denise is so tired is can barely make it to the bedroom when she comes home, therefore Denise is late for all morning lectures because she's so tired she can't wake up, Denise cannot understand most of her lectures and does not have the time to find a textbook and read it because she is too busy catching up on the 164,000 different assignments and lab reports she has due on the next day.

Yup. And here's my conspiracy theory : NUS is an alien institution put here on earth as an experiment to see how much sleepless-ness, mental fatigue and stress that twenty-something homo sapiens can take. This is the ONLY REASONABLE theory i could come up with to explain why year after year they have all kinds of "expensive" deadlines all fall on the same week, heck the same DAY! By expensive, i mean the 30-40% term papers, lab reports, presentations etc..

So today i sat through 3 hours of presentations by my module-mates from Plant physio. And as i the first group was getting ready to start, i was so nervous for them i could have puked. Oh man, theres no possible way i could tell you just how much i am dreading my turn next thurs (*PRAYER REQUEST !!!). At the point, i would much rather get dangled outside a window by michael jackson than do that presentation. I would much rather count the number of leaf blades there are at the padang!! i would much rather watch RAMBO movies till my eyes bled.. oh God help me!
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