A beautiful day for a blessed covenant of love. Showers of blessing definately a good sign from God.

thats me with my pwetty red skirt. I promised photos of me ina skirt and you've got it. my UNCLE Joseph looks so good in a suit..this picture doesn't really do him justice

I swear that the colour co-ordination with my mum was not planned at all. Dad was all smiles when he saw me in a skirt.And peeps save this photo i doubt i'm wearing skirt again anytime soon

First Look at the official Mr and Mrs Joseph Gil. AWwwwww.. tears of joy from every one..very very meaningful cThe pastor said, marriage is about resting. It is not about striving to make it work, its all about resting and trusting in the Lord's plan.You can never find the capacity to love another unless you find his love.

Me and my dua yee (eldest aunt). I love this photo pity that its blur. My dua yee is the kindest, sweetest and nicest person. She is rock and matron of the family now and shes the one person whom i have the most respect for.She's sacrificed so much and been thru so much but she's accepted Christ now and nothin else matters.

Last Picture of the day. Tired but happy people.

Mum was the person that was absolutely the happiest at the fact that i bot and wore a dress..altho its black and totally simple. Its still actualli a DRESS and its a big deal!!