Waking up is hard to do.
Missed 2 lectures this week. This is bad.
I'm not a morning person. I wouldn't wake up unless the building collapsed and my bed shattered into a million pieces and i lose my pillow and my blanket and my bolster and a suave rugged looking, tall fireman in his oh-so-cool uniform came to rescue me from the rubble.. *swoon*
So yep i have to stay up late to study and for all of you who do, you realise after you pass the one am mark.. you kinda reach a place of numbness..which comes after the place of overpowering sleepiness and before the place where you pass out in front of your lap top and have Q.W.E.R.T.Y imprinted on your fore head. So i tend to remain numb till about 3 am and then i begin dragging myself to my bed. The thing is, its not difficult to oversleep for LSM lectures because.. well.. they are cow-ass BORING.. and the notes are simply UNINSPIRING.. and yes is it worth it to drag yourself outta bed to hear your lecturer say: "nitrogenous molecules are molecules that contain nitrogen?? "(i am never getting over this) *deep breath* Yes i know thats not a good enough excuse.. so yep i will make a significantly larger effort to turn up for lectures..On Time!! *sigh*
On to another subject..for some reason, i'm totally in oldies nowadays.. those old disco hits.. Earth Wind and Fire.. those ol' feel good hits.. Beach Boys and Beatles.. those ol' love songs.. All-4-One.. those ol' rock songs..Queen and Bon Jovi.. ah yes therefore i shall carry out a revamp of my music list soon so ya all can have a good listen.. but i've been swarmped with work so be patient yeah.. love and peace everyone..love and peace..