here i am. fresh from my battle with the monster we call CORS. My battle wounds still sting but FEAR NOT, I WILL HEAL. Other then pulling my hair out in front of the computer, i've been spring cleaning, dog-sitting, ecp-ing and braces wearing.
My mum is rEally glad that she raised me so big and strong and FULLY utilised my muscles during spring cleaning. Lift the sofa, lift the bed, life the tables, carry newspapers.. climb here climb there..in case you didn't know, my mum's kinda..erm.. vertically challenged and so she made good use of my height (although not much) too. Spring cleaning went on from monday till thursday.

on wednesday, i became dog-sitter for a day because my aunt's flight got delayed. After sitting children, houses, fishes, plants and now dogs, i have reached a whole NEW level of sitting-ability. The dogs were so cute lah and just happy to see familiar faces after being stuck in the pet hotel for weeks. Its just so amusing to hear my mum scolding the dogs instead ahhaha :) it kinda freaked my dad though because she started nagging the dogs..."i told you all not to dirty the place! see lah" "who are you scolding?" "Bo bo and JJ lah" *dad looks puzzled, shakes head and walks away* smart move dad! stay away... hahahah looks like the motherly instinct in her is just too strong. When she went out to the back stairs to get the clothes, Bobo made a dash for the stairs like a prisoner trying to escape from Changi and then i heard..." BOBOoooooooooo NoOOOoooo COooome BACkkkkkkk...wHOooops...AHhhhhh..Stop runniiing YOU Arh you silly dog..." and then seeing her flustered face from chasing him was priceless! apparrently when she started chasing him, the dog thought she was playing so he started running faster and wagging his tail...
On thursday night, mum made what she called muffins but they were flat and outta shape and looked more like banana cake humiliated by being forced into muffin cups, forced to live a life of shame as lowly wannabe pseudomuffins. Those poor things...
Friday went east coast cycling, got caught in the rain, got drenched and over exposed! think white t-shirt and pink sports bra... *yikes* later in the eveing, i finally got my braces done...don't thinl i'll ever smile again.. i look.. Eeeeee and so... looking forward to seeing you all in school yeah... ciao~!