He will make a way.
The weeks before final exams are always the worse of the worse. The pressure makes you do silly things, you blow up at the minut-est of things, you take it out on your family and friends, the baggage just seem to so heavy you can't ignore you can't have fun anymore. I mean god forbid you have fun cause then you feel irresponsible and guilty. Every year i think school cannot get any worse, then every year NUS being the kind of university that seeks to improve and challenge itself constantly, proves me totally wrong and pulls a ever bigger stunt.. 3CAs, 2 projects and a 60% lab report in 2 weeks, just before study week. i could go on and on seriously about how my life sucks but i won't. Because frankly when you take a step back and look at the bigger picture, you'll soon realise how many women around the world would give anything for a life like mine. I mean i could say it makes me appreciate my life better.. ok so maybe appreciate would not be the right word because it implies fondness. BUt lets just put it this way, it propels me to suck it up and take it like a (wo)man! After this new found enlightenment, equipped with newly discovered inner strength, i attend mass on sunday and for the recessional hymn, we sing "You are mine". Whenever i feel so so so low it so happens that we sing "you are mine" and i wanna break down and cry so badly but i hold it back and allow the tears to well up in my eyes so that my visions blurs and i can't see anything around me anymore but i know the lyrics so well and i continue to sing but it no longer sounds like the voice is coming from me. It becomes such a soothing and comforting voice that my troubles lose their grip upon my shoulders. Then i really understand. If i were to get pass this seemingly unbearable period, it is of no strength of my own, but of the ultimate strength i draw from him.
God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way
He will make a way