upsets and downsets.
so. my last paper is on wed. 3rd may. and dunch you dare gloat. Dunch yew dare ya rub salt in my already gapping, pus-spewing, infected wound. I am not being melodramatic. I am upset. UPSET that i can't go for this --->

PAMdemonium-Pam Oei in Concert. Dang it lar. F....lamin F....ishballs.... Lets all just collectively cross our fingers and our toes and hope (for my sake) that she'll have another one next year, not around exam period. Or.. (pam if you're listening,) let me know w...h..ay in advance when it'll be held then i'll plan my modules
accordingly. Yes that is how much i wanna be at that concert!
H'anyway. more on things that upset me. Parents who are desperate to live their unfufilled dreams through their kids. If you caught Oprah, well if you didn't, you should. Yes, they were doing some special on Sports Parents. Parents who train their kids from a really young age to be professional atheletes. The first guy is training his 9 year old son for the NFLs. 9 year old. The boy has stair trainings on Mondays, Chiropracter appt on Tuesdays, Field trainings on Wed, Thurs and Fridays, Matches on Saturdays and more stair trainings on Sundays. YES! THE KID IS NINE!!!! Don't get me wrong, I know he loves his kid, and I know every parent has hopes and dreams and aspirations for their children and I know also that unless I become a parent myself I will not understand how that parent feels. But dammit lor!!! I've been a kid, I'm someone's child and I have FRIGGIN' common sense, enough common sense to realise that this kind of lifestyle is not gonna be healthy for ANY kid. The moment the kid was born, he bought baby jerseys for him, football pacifiers and made him watch football and you dare tell me that being a NFL player is THE KID'S DREAM??? Hullo! is it just me or is it too obvious that the dream is yours! not His!! If football is all you talk about, what other dreams can the kid have???? being a lawn mower???? You know what really ticked me off was when he said that He is doing all this to equip His son with skills and qualities that will help him in the future and
if his son should decide that football is not what he wants, he will not be upset and they'll just move on. This fella needs a friggin' reality check man. Even Oprah told him " I don't believe you," Geez...un-freaking-believable. He wouldn't be upset??? who da hell does he think he's kiddin'??? He even has a 10 second rule for his son. If he falls and hurts himself and wants to cry, he has exactly 10 seconds to deal with that and after that he carries on playing. I just can't imagine what the kid is going through.I mean he may truly be enjoying playing football. BUT what if he's not? what if he's doing it to please his dad? what if he leaves in fear of disappointing his father every day? What happens when his son grows up and learns that there are other beautiful things in this world, things that he wished he had been exposed to when he was younger like art, music, nature and science. What if his son had greater things in his destiny, greater than being a pro footballer? Why do parents deny their children of a childhood? I guess i'll never understand till i become a parent but it makes me so sad to watch a story like this. SO sad and SO damn GLAD that i have my parents!!! SO GLAD that i wanna get grab everybody at home and hold hands and dance and twirl around the house like a bunch of euphoric elves in Santa's factory on the day after christmas.
Kellie pickler leaving american idol upsets me too. but i'll get over it.
OH YAH. and people who sit on the outer seat on the bus but refuse to get up in order for the person sitting on the inside to get off the bus. THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: please please please for the sake of all things good gentle and kind on this earth, just get up, move to the side and allow the person to get of with ease. 1. the faster the person gets off, the faster we all get to reach home. 2. if there is ample room to get out, there is a minimal chance of getting slapped/whipped on the face by the person's huge bag 3. lesser chance of getting the person's ass stuck up against your face also. 4. lesser chance of getting stepped on your toes as well. How hard can it be to stand up or at the very least do it when you see that the person has a big bag or is carrying alot of stuff. The other day, yours truly has a huge bag with lap top charger and pull over and textbook and notes PLUS lap top in hand! when i told the girl sitting beside me to excuse me, she so generously tilted her knees to a roughly 45 degree angle and just looked at me, as if expecting me to pull some nozzle and start to deflate myself till i was 2 dimensional enough to slip pass her. Sigh. look at me! without backpac already I'm sufficiently 3 dimensional to warrent more than a 45 degree turn of the knees right??? what you want me to do? hop over you like a 2000m hurdler??? take out a pole and start doing a high jump? spontaneously liquify myself and flow outta the bus?? better still fold myself into a small paper crane and get passed down from one passenger to another until i reach the door where i will unfold myself and get off the bus. sigh.