retreating because i don't seem to be advancing

just returned from annual retreat. It was absolutely free-ing to see all our efforts in planning slowly play out. The fellowship, renewed bonds, strengthened relationships, recharged spirits, new revelations, the crazy videos, the mad sing-a-louds, the silly games, the action songs, the girls invading the guy's toilet, the cold showers, sudden 'black-outs', the struggle to stay awake to write warm fuzzies, the over-feeding of pius, the walks, the dances, the amazement over the mashed potato conversions, the conversations with God... i guess all these made all our efforts in planning worth it.

This group of people made it the most special retreat for me personally. Its only the second time i cried while sharing, overwhelmed with the spirit. It was strange, i never saw it coming, but when the feeling came, there was no stopping it.. i couldn't go on sharing.. and it wasn't a sadness kind of cry.. it was a joyful kind of cry, like for that 2 minutes i was basking in His infinite, unconditional love, a feeling so complex, so pure and so good that my body did not know how to react except to let the tears flow like some kind of release from all that love that was stiring me from the inside. There were certain things i've been praying for before this retreat and in these 3 days, he answered all of my greatest wants. They are a tad bit too personal to share here but we can always talk about it next CG kay :)

heres our ode to the movies, the one above is our davinci code tribute and our charlie's angels tribute- if you can even bring yourself to call it that!

Note to BEN-- those videos better not make it to youtube arh or else blood will be shed!!!!!!!