[d]iRt@e Lau[d]ry
Monday, June 05, 2006
so many people been asking me whats my all time favourite movie since the last post. And so, here are the clips to my favourite movie for all time. I must have watched both Sister Act 1 and 2 like 50 times each. I can sing all the songs, i can quote all the lines i can tell you exactly whad happens next but i can watch it again today and still laugh until i cry. WHOOPI goldberg is a GENIUS and how she can look so normal without eye brows still astounds me. OH youtube RAWKS.

i know its taking a while to load but its so worth it ok :)just press pause till the thing loads finish then watch then whole clip at one go.

oh i'm smiling so hard while watching these videos i think my face is cramping up!
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