Why i HEARTS Hugh Laurie.
First of all, if you dunch know Hugh Laurie, you don't watch House. If you don't watch House, you dont appreciate good TV. Seriously. Your eyes have grown on your face below the eyebrows and above the nose for no good reason at all if you don't watch House. Seriously.
i think i've been watching too much Grey's. I keep saying seriously. I also watch too much Scrubs because i keep wanting to dance awkwardly and say Frick instead of you know the other F word.
Just caught the 2 hour backdoor pilot of Kate Walsh's grey's spinoff show... the storyline's embedded into the recent episode of grey's. I guess they are testing waters to see pple's response. My response is - I HATE IT. OK hate is a strong word let me rephrase. I TRIED REALLY HARD TO LIKE IT BUT I FIND MYSELF STAYING TUNE ONLY BECAUSE KATE WALSH IS HOT AND TAYE DIGGS MELTS MY HEART. Bleah. Much as i'd appreciate more Kate screen time and more drOooling at Taye, i really wish they wouldnt have this spinoff. But that being said, sometimes it takes a while to like a show and maybe it'll get better. ah whatever.
The focus of todays post is to show you 10 reasons why i HEARTS hugh laurie. Enjoy.
1. He sings funny songs
2. He can pull of Hugh Grant hair while singing a love song to a tennis player
3. He can sing a song without any lyrics at all!
4. He can be funny even next to the Queen.
5. He's funny just being himself.
6. He dances for Charity (Idol gives back)
I'll think of 7,8,9 and 10 when i;m not so sleepy la
¶ 8:56 AM