[d]iRt@e Lau[d]ry
I'm FAT, so sue me!!!
So sick of being a size 14 stuck in a society where a double digit size can't get you decent clothes unless you're willing to blow a huge hole in your X(XXX)L pocket. No interest in shopping for dresses or skirts. Why you ask? ever spent hours sifting thru racks and racks of clothes sized 2, 4,6,8? Frankly, IS SIZE 2 EVEN A SIZE? w.t.f..seriously i'm not ashamed of how i look, i quite love myself but it's the process of having to HUNT for clothes that fit you that makes even the people with the highest level of self-love feel like they are the most unattractive piece of lard in this island of ribs. I hate self-pity and i hate the feeling of plunging self worth therefore i dedicate this entry to everyone else who are who they are-
BIG not because we gorge or laze around all day and
BEAUTIFUL because we love ourselves enuff not to think or feel otherwise.
Note to all size 2,4,6 or 8 peeps dun mean anything against you guys only upset with stores that refuse to acknowledge that bigger sized people need trendy clothes too. We deserve to right to shop with relative ease like everyone else. Gees sometimes it seems like making us hunt for clothes our size will help us lose the weight or something.. God help us ALL.
The Green Balloon. By Denise Tan.
I had a pretty balloon from borders once.
I loved it so much, we had so much fun.

But everywhere we went, it'd give people a scare.
And everywhere we went, pple wld stare.
It was harrassin my frens at the hawker stall. I
warned it with harsh words, but he scared some more.
I had no choice, i had to do it.
I gave my balloon a chance, but it blew it.
With an ache in my heart, i let the air out.
I was so upset, all i could do was pout.
A few minutes later, my balloon was flaccid.
I said my goodbyes, and i carressed it.
I put it in my bag and brought it home.
Now its on my desk, beside the comb.
Thats the story of the green balloon,
who didn't listen and almost went KABOOM.
I have a problem.
Ladies and Gents, My name is Denise. I have a problem. Actualli i have alot of problems but thats besides the point. The point is i'm Too Oversensitive. Thats Right! not only am i OVERsensitive, I'm TOO OVERsensitive. I'm so OVERsensitive, i'm starting to suspect that i'm being oversensitive about being oversensitive. You see arh being sensitive has its plus points. You have a good read about the people ard you, enabling you to be there if someone's down or troubled. BUt there is a downside. You also tend to be judgemental, jumping to your own conclusions - too fast and too furious. Many a times, i have been blessed with realising that the very people i've have been so quick to label as proud, or bitchy turn out to be great people!..and in some cases BESTfriends!! (heh lets not name names and get myself in trouble) Which leads me to think.. wouldn't it be the saddest thing, if i've prevented myself from getting to know what could have been the nicest people God had planted around me? Its ironical too, because my mum always says "when you're alone arh you look like the whole world owes you money" So if i'm one of those people who look moody and snorty when actually i'm not (i hope), why am i crucifying my "own kind". Anyways its 1 am now and i just had to write this down... i'll make it a personal mission to,
(a) look less like the whole world owes me money when i'm alone
(b) Not be so quick to label and judge people
(c) Not let insignificant things affect me so much. People can only make you feel small if you let them.
Well, people say admiting you have a problem is the first step.. i've taken my first step today..heres to advancing to the next level! Cheers

Denise has a NEW FAVOURITE GEEK! I'm sorry Seth. He's funnier and he has chicken legs!!
So my aunt is marrying her french boyfriend next wed.
His parents are coming down this coming wednesday.
They are coming over to moi chambre (my house) on Saturday.
Problem. We can't speak french and all they can speak IS french. Well at least mum and i know some..and what i mean by some, is..stuff like Bonjour..merci..Au revoir,..oh and i can say.. i have a headache in French. Its a realli halpful phrase you know.. if i run out of converstional topics, Or if the situation starts to become awkward, i can say that and problem solved! heh
Anyways.. borrowed MJ's french notes and stuff and decided to teach The Dad some french..How did it go? erm...
MUM: if you dunno whad to say, just say Oui(wee)..it means yes
DAD: huh?? say Si Si..
ME: Dad! Thats Spanish!!! its WEeee
MUM: Bonjour..
DAD: Pee Pee...
*OUTburst of laughter for 5 mins*
DAD: what i rember something abt going to toliet mah (wee wee) so i said Pee pee lor..
ME: pee pee is roadrunner LAH!!
MUM: Bonjour..je ma'pelle Brenda
DAD: Bon--sua.. want to Eat MEe Sua??? No i prefer ta mee (dry mee)
* Mum can't stop rollin and laughing for 10 mins* * i faint*
So erm.. i think this wed is gonna be quite interestin..and embarrasing..if my dad decides to crack more mee sua jokes..sigh..Only God can save me now..Merci for listening..
Whats going on down under.
I think its about time i put up some pics from Aussie...got alot lah 600 pics i think..so i'll have ta give you guys a peak at the more interesting ones..enjoy~!

FUN FUN FUN at movie world! The scooby gang, bugs and martian, Edward scissorhands and even Snape and Dumbledore..

My dearing Ling..this one was specially for you..saw this flower while roaming some park..Petals are white when you look from the top down and PURPLE when you look from the bottom..beautiful huh?

These are more pictures i snapped in Australia. It is just so comforting to see such reminders of his presence even if i'm away from home
Soul Mates.

Birthday Buddies.
Extremely hard to find. Which is why you cherish them. Never thought of it as someone stealing my thunder. Never i swear. You have no idea how much it means to me being able to celebrate my special day with an even special-er someone. I lurve you darlin'.
Then you have the regular bestest buddies. They are here every birthday, every good news, every heart break, every embarrassin moment, every chuckle, every tear, every fall and every getting back on your feet. They indulge you even if it means makin a complete fool outta themselves. They stand by you even if the whole world finds you guilty. Most importantly they lurve you for who you are even if the whole world deems you inadequate.
So, In wierd behavior and chaos, ridiculous poses and unglam laughter, for insanity no matter temporary or not. I will love you
guys always. 

Ding dong the witch is BACK!
Ssup everyone. I'm finally back. Yes i hear the Sighs..but hey i left you guys alone long enough ok! and boy oh boy i never did thought i'd say this, but i miss the friggin' sun. Ok anyways its gonna be CORS hell soon and guess whad? the good ol' folks at NUS deciding the jumble the life sciences groupings again and once again i find myself alone.. Shites man!! not only am i not with my JC pals, i'm not with my new found uni mates as well..what are the odds huh? oh well.. we are all familiar with Murphy's law. Ok so.. Came back on Tuesday and went for my cousin's convo on Wednesday. Exiciting. It really is. I can't wait till its my turn but its still at least another 2 years for moi. Lets hope my parent wun make me put on my gown in the restaurant huh JO *nudge* hahahahhah ok.. i'm so frggin full from tang yuan so i'm sleepy and lazy at the mo.. gtg..
I feel it in my fingers, i feel it in my toes!
oh me oh my..the fingers are Soo numb with cold..i'm startin to fear they'll turn blue and fall off one by one while i'm typin this..light showers today made it colder than usual..its worst at night..oh man..aniways more on the Sydney Update..
Agenda: Day Tour of Hunter Valley
First Stop: Wollombi
At wollombi, which is a small lil town we had our first taste of JUNGLE JUICE. Ok ok i know that name sounds awful but HEy it tastes good. 18% alcohol content got my blood rushing to my face but it feels damn good in 10 degrees weather. so percy and i got a small bottle each.. yey..
Second Stop: McWilliams Mt Pleasant Estate
Founded in 1921, their Shiraz recently got some i duunno-whad prestigous award..apparently it beat like 300 over other wines so erm..kudos to em yah. We had a fully guided tour where we found out, the freaking barrels they use to store the wine cost like 1000 buckeroos each!!!! like i'm talking empty barrels made out of different types of oaks..it seems that diff oaks bring out diff tastes in the wines and one silly barrel can only use 4-5 years..biang.. then the i dunno-whad machine used to squeeze the juice outta the grapes cause like 450 thousand.. *faints* aniways here comes the good part we get to taste MORE WINES... eh i think it was5 diff types.. (at this point feeling really flushed).. dessert wine, white wine..red wine.. oh and with great food too.. bread and main dish and fruit platter and coffee.. YUMMY... the main dish arh..is the classy classy one..with portebello mushroon and alfalfa sprouts and bell peppers oh just the thought of it makes my mouth water again..
Third Stop: Rothbury Estate
This one was really whao..i liked the wine here better..i think we had 2 whites, 3 reds and like 1 dessert wine and 1 fortified wine.. plus nice lil biscuits and "spitoons" you know arh at this point most of us can only take few sips the rest goes into the "spitoon" which the lady kept reminding us we REALLY shouldn't drink from..ahhaha Next door was cheese tasting..tasted some brie.. but never buy lah..taste the same as the ones back home mah..just wif nicer packings and higher prices.
Last Stop: Hunter valley Gardens.
Now this one no more wines..just chocs and shopping.. what more can a girl ask for?? *grinz*
yups what made this trip fun was the company.. during lunch we chatted with a realli nice couple from South Afica..the lady is hilarious.. and another older couple from Sweden.. our table so multi racial hor.. they were nice.. then there was this group of teachers from taiwan that was just comical but they were nice too..kaypoh but nice.. ok ok can't feel mai fingers animore..better go.. I LOVE YOU ALL AND I'LL BE BACK SOON!! tata
winter's no wonderland.
biang. winter. Sky's real dark at like 5? shops close at like 6? walk around at 10 at night and you'll probably find that all your neighbours are tucked under their thick blankets in their heated rooms asleep! geeZ.. girls just wanna have fun but how to when everything closes at 5:30?? aniways.. at least its given me the opportunity to do some serious reading. One Hundred Years Of Solitude. Thats my current read and fave travel companion. The interesting thing bout this book, is that it comes with a Family Tree..yeah you heard me.. the storys kinda complicating mah especially when you know olden days people enjoy naming the children after their fathers and mothers and grand fathers and what not.. so, imagine after a 100 years you have like 12 people with the same damn names..so the family tree is SSSSOooooo helpful. how thoughtful of the writer yah.. gees..hoong cold and sleepy now.. did a serious amt of walking today in an area known as New Town. Very interesting place, with its quant shops, cheeky shop names, fabulous pastry and Gigantic ( i mean seriously gigantic ) (we are talkin like warehouse size) second hand book store..but the stuff here is real ex lah..everything times 1.3 is not cheap animore..*sobZ* deprived of a girl's fave pasttime.. ok dokes gonna catch some ZZzzzs tata till later..
g'day from down under..
ssup' my peepies.. finally in Sydney after a week at Brisbane and Gold Coast..the cold air here is damn shiok man..ok lah when you're freezin your ass off in the middle of the night, maybe not so shiok but yeah other than that it is. Let me tell you what else is shiok..the FUNtastic rides in Dreamworld and Movieworld..st8 from the horse's mouth i'm tellin ya if you ever come to Gold Coast..go to movieworld and try the Lethal Weapon ride.. A-freakin-MAZIN' with the slow ascend to the cow-fast descend to the double loops to the cock screw ( double helix as i like to call it )..wah biang..power sia.. aniway i'll give more details when i get back k.. too much to write abt..one more week b4 i return.. 12th july to be exact..you guys better remember not 2 sms me..cause i dunno if you all have ta pay anot..so until i get back you guys will just have to make to with starin lovingly at my photos..i know missin me can be sucha pain but well.. i needed some "me" time mah...cheers and i miss all of ya all so much it hurts..not physically but yeah it hurts!! BIG HUG AND WET KISS!!