[d]iRt@e Lau[d]ry
angels! thats what you are,
I was this close to losin it this afternoon, this friggin close. Its funny how some days you feel like you're in total control and then the devil sneaks one up on ya.. a day like the one i had today.. totally throws you off balance, shakes your confidence and makes you wanna break down and cry. I've been there baby.. that miserable place where all you can do is cry and you feel like you died and whats left is a useless empty shell that will crack under the slightest weight. That feeling of helplessness, its simply paralysing and Oh Boy! i dun want none of that no more seriously i do not wanna go back down that road. I guess its time like this, shitty times like this where you sit down and re-evaluate your life you tell yourself whats important and whats not, if its really not that important to you, then tOss It AsIdE!! Dun give a flammin rat's ass about it no more seriously! you know what else about days like this are worth cherishing? You can SO FeEL the LoVe.. times like this let you realise not only whats important, but WHO's important. Once you single out those people, cherish them man.. take out the hook and chains, duct tape, bolts and stapler guns cause you dun wanna ever lose them.. and you do the right thing k.. go up to em when you have the chance, and you tell them how much it means that they bothered to put their own worries on pause just so you can feel like your troubles are more important..and the next time its their turn to feel absolutely shitty, you make sure your worries go into auto-pause mode as well.. You Make Sure!!
I used to feel unworthy of my friends, actually i still do but for different reasons.. i never understood how someone as dowdy looking as i was could have friends that were popular and babes and model students..i often thought of myself as the Screech character from Saved by the Bell.. you know how those teen shows always have the in gang and then a geeky one who is kinda part of their group but whom everyone only knew by the nickname..yah that was who i always felt i was... therfore i felt unworthy.. today, i feel unworthy because i see that frens have beautiful souls.. yeah the exterior i dun care about anymore... but its like god sent specially chosen guardian angels to give up their wings to be with me...
i'm sleepy now, cant freakin keep my eyes open.. i will continue with this deep conversation some other day ciao~!
9 Million Bicycles
I find it cute, kinda sweet actually i cant decide if its sweet or the dumbest lyrics in the world by well you decide k.. or get a good laugh.. click play on the right handside column.. Enjoy!!
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That's a fact
It's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die
We are twelve billion light years from the edge
That's a guess
No-one can ever say it's true
But I know that I will always be with you
I'm warmed by the fire of your love everyday
So don't call me a liar
Just believe everything that I say
There are six billion people in the world
More or less
And it makes me feel quite small
But you're the one I love the most of all
We're high on the wire
With the world in our sight
And I'll never tire
Of the love that you give me every night
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That's a fact
It's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die
And there are nine million bicycles in Beijing
And you know that I will love you till I die
people i lurve.

my baby Wilson's been busy snappin pictures!
I am ONE with the sardines!
Calling all students coming to NUS, plannin to come to NUS.. Go take Yoga courses now.. join a circus and learn from those elastic men who stick themselves into trunks.. why? why you ask.. because you'll need it in order to fit into the shuttle buses in school thats why!! Geez.. the buses are always Sosososososo FULL..i used to feel bad when i stepped on someone's foot or squash people but now.. after getting slapped by bags.. scarred by the sharp edges of files... blinded by bag straps.. almost braeking my neck when the uncle flew over the hump at 500km/hr!!!! man i've been to hell and back in those buses...Sardines and Tunas EVERYWHERE i salute thee and sympathize with thee for i understand fully how you feel being squashed in those damn cans.. the difference with being squashed with humans is... *whisper* they fart!!! geez.. alreadi not enough breathing space but somehow someone always farts.. HOLD IT IN LAH PPLE.. very jia lat leh..*pout*.. you'd think after makin it to university the only fight you'd have to undertake is for scholastic achievements who knew you'd have to fight to get ard school also.. *sigh* jialat..
Sing to ME
I was on the way home today, listening to the slammin' music on my baby Wilson and i realised.. you know how they say the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach.. well then i guess the way to my heart would be thru the ears...yeah..my man has gotta sing his way to my heart... (tsk what were you thinking?) how can a girl resist a man who can sing.. or at least try to sing.. look guys you really have nuthin to lose.. do it well, and your girl will be swoonin..Try your best and your girl cant help but gush.. try it at least and even if you suck... you score extra point fer being willing to put yourself out there.. seriously guys its a win win situation..
sigh.. i went on to allow myself to day dream.. or evenin dream would be more temporally accurate... dreaming of Bon jovi singing I'll be there for you to me.. Oooo *sigh*.. almost missed my stop but hell it would've been So Worth It!
My promise to you.
If you feel like crying
Then you should
Because frankly,
Anyone would
If you feel like talking,
Here I am
I’m right here,
I’ll hold your hand.
If you feel like reaching out
My hand’s outstretched
If you fall
I promise I’ll catch.
Yes there’s only One who can solve your woes
Only One to stop your foes
But there are many who love you, dear
Many many willing wipe your tears.
We see you’re hurting,
We know you’re down
But we know you’re strong
You won’t back down.
But if the pain gets hard to bear
Give us the chance to show we care
The burden becomes lighter when there’s more than one
Who knows? We may end up having fun.
Boys don’t cry because they are proud
As for girls, we’re allowed
This was the magazine cover i was talking about!
Now you'll understand why i was swoonin..
Stand up for love
There are times I find it hard to sleep at night
We are living through such troubled times
And every child that reaches out for someone to hold
For one moment they become my own
And how can I pretend that I don't know what's going on?
When every second, and every minute another soul is gone?
And I believe that in my life I will see(oh yea) an end to hopelessness, of
giving up, of suffering
If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up and hear me sing
Stand up for love
I'm inspired and hopeful each and everyday
That's how I know that things are gonna change
So how can I pretend that I don't know what's going on?
When every second, with every minute another soul is gone?
And I believe that in my life I will see(I will see yeah)
An end to hopelessness(Hopelessness), of giving up(Giving Up), of suffering
(Suffering yah, yah)
If we all stand together this one time(Time)
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up for love
And it all starts right here
And it starts right now
One person stands up and the rest will follow
For all the forgotten, for all the unloved
I'm gonna sing this song
And I believe that in my life I will see (yes, yes) an end to hopelessness, of
giving up, of suffering
If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up and sing yah
Stand up for love (for love, for love)
Maybe its all the suffering i've been witnessing.. maybe its all the hopelessness..maybe its all the death and despair..the earthquakes and tsunami and hurricanes.. maybe i just needed something inspiring, something emotionally uplifting.. This i think is Destiny's Child's swan song and i absolutely love it.. i guess they will be persuing individual careers but its still kinda sad because i think they are truly talented and i cant think of any other grp that can do this song better.. sigh Yes i do believe that in my life i will see an end to hopelessness, to giving up and to suffering. Stand up not only for Singapore hor..do it for love too..
tootin mai own horn
OK i seriously dun mean ta brag or anything but i'm just REAL proud of my comm and yes my dearest Tze May and Dan and Mich and Monika and Bernard.. the people attending mass tonight may have just felt that it was an ok mass.. nuthin outta the ordinary.. but i know how much they've been practising.. i was with the poor pianist while she was freakin out about not playing well... i know how much thought was put into song selection and making sure the slides ran well... and having the correct version of the readings etc..heh this wasnt my event..all credit to Natalie and Big Ben..i'm just really touched and proud that everything went perfectly in my eyes at least..
So i come home from delicious prata dinner and guess what i find when i reach home.. the latest starhub Tv guide!! with BRAD PITT ON THE COVER... *drools**swoon* on my gOodness.. not just any picture of Brad ok.. its Brad from TROY in all his dirty but Oh So Yummy GLORy.. Uh huh.. Brad's MINE.. not jennifer's not angelina's not even Maddox's.. HE IS MINE..but Brad from Troy is really my second choice.. you wanna really drool over Brad, you gotta gotta gotta rent Meet Joe Black.. Oh my it was then when i realised he would be MINe solely and that i couldn't and wouldn't share.. Speaking of which, i realised there are some real cute exchange students in school this SEM.. ah i can only thank God for allowing my eyes the luxury of feasting while my brains are stuffed and tortured daily..
Ooo i cant wait till exams are over.. but then the thing is we dun have much to look forward too also.. exams done.. then 4 measly weeks of break and its back to the death railway.. Oh thank god i have friends that make slogging less of a heinous war crime and more of a serious injustice..
i cant wait till smallville come back.. i need my Tom Welling dosage.. Meanwhile, i feast on Zach Braff and Brad..
too bz too blog.
I miss blogging i really do but busy lah..too busy to observe weird happenings around me. Its been go go go.. and my enzymes are like constantly working at saturation rate.. i've been like so tired so i made a new october resolution.. if i'm tired i will sleep..this way at least i make it to lecturers not looking like
(a) i got hit by a bus
(b) i've been playing tong xiao mahjong
(c) everybody in NUS owes me money
So Denise is real proud cause shes been early for lectures EVeRY Day.. i repeat EVERY day this week.. Applause Please.. a lil affirmation..yeah i seem to have grasped the art of catching the Boardable 151.. 2 years of mastering this art and i seem to be making progree..
So this realli short post to update.. donated blood today so arm a bit suan also.. i should go do work (what else PHhft!) Seeya guys soon and just in case i dun get to see you all soon.. I LOVE YOU ALL.. HUgs And Kisses..
48 hours is all i have..
ok so.. my first weekend where i'm not crazy cranky eyebrow high in my notes that are simply impossible to comprehend.. ok mAaaybe i'm still Aaa Wittle bit cranky.. but then name me one NUS undergraduate that isnt.. so i can afford to catch a lil Art Attack on the Disney Channel, and Wild On starring Tara Reid on Channel E.. i'm telling you that lady's boobs have a career of their own.. shes like constantly flauntin em on the show.. wearing a lil red bikini and squeezing into a float that like 3 sizes too small and they get STUCK obviously on the WAY DOooown...TSK TSK TSK.. Chee KO PEi's everywhere reading this is suddenly subscribing to Digital Cable...AniHoo.. its been a realli short 48 hours break then next week its GAME ON again.. 3 Sems in NUS and i think i'm maybe only just beginning to play the game right.. CROSS fingers i hope i'm doing better.. Phew i keep saying i never studied so hard in my life ans i swear its true.. cruising just dun work here... Speaking of Cruising..TOM CRUISE and Katie HOLMES having a BABY!?!?! Eeew... That poor kid has NO CHANCE NO CHANCE of growing up normal i'm tellin you.. NO CHANCE... Oooo look Ricky Martin on MTV.. since when did he go from Shake your bon bon to HIP hop? O this crazy world we live in..*shakes head*
Denise has a 40% CA tomorrow and she barely halfway done with revision.
Now shes so stressed she cant help but talk about herself as the third person.
Great. She's in a strange calm actually. Most probably because she knows that she can only do so much and the rest she must leave to GOD. She wonders if she'll ever be fully prepared for a test, CA, exam. She wonders how it feels to actually be prepared for a test. She wonders of anyone has ever been really prepared for a test.. She really should be studying right now.. so she has to go..but she would like to thank her prayer/ rosary buddy SHIRLEY!! for those absolutely adorable Spongebob Squarepants stickers because she is now the envy of all her friends!!
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea??

my heart is with the people in Bali