[d]iRt@e Lau[d]ry
manual or auto???
And so its begun... my ONEness with this house i live in. Yep when people get their holidays they cant wait to get out while I prefer to cultivate a closer, more personal relationship with this wonderful 2 storey condo unit i live in... I am a self professed BUM, NUA-er... i will happily spend my days at home induldging in this complicated love triangle affair with the tv, the bed and the computer... wait i think thats a love SQUARE?!?! anyHOo.... went down to BBDC (Bukit Batok Driving Centre) to get registered as a "member" a 84 bucks membership hOkay... its funny how they have these lil posters stuck all over the place that says " I will greet and serve you with a smile :) " yep complete with the smiley!! i mean i know we are moving into the whole good service thing but when is the GAHment gonna realise that good service is most parts sincerity... honeys... good service dun equal LIP service... whats the use of plastering these messages all over the place? huh?huh?... i mean dun get me wrong the people dere are generally nice... but its obvious that they've been doing and saying the same things all day... and in order to sound "chirpier" i guess they go into this sing song mode... "AreYewTaKingMaNuaLoRAuto (no breaks in between what-so-ever)" Me--- *look blur* Orh auto.... " okyewkipdisanddengobriefingroom1whichisbehindthatbigpillaandafterbriefingusebacdiz
(ok you keep this and go to the briefing room 1 which is behind that big pillar and after briefing use back this same number to wait) Me--- *thinks to myself* i wonder if she'll turn blue in the face and collapse...DAMMIt i knew i shouldve learnt CPR... hmm..
BOTTOMLINE: i am warning all ye living in the west CODE RED for all those living in bukit batok and bukit gombak... I, Denise Tan am about to get behind the wheel (of death) so RUN while you still can...muahahahh.
Back to the good service thing... i realise that most waiters and salepeople are really trying but it really seems very forced sometimes... oh yeah i geddit we are a CULtured society... chey...
My Sugar, Daddy!
My lao pa is 53.. Oh you know dads we just realli din know whad to get him so we brought him out fer BIG SEAFOOD DINNER... and the star of the night was his cake... *AHEM* CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES DURIAN CAKE... need i say more?
Project F.R.E.E.D.O.M : 101
Location: The Asian Kitchen. City Link Mall. First Meal after Freedom had been attained!!! Whao Yummalums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and GOot Service TOo.
Fried Rice. 2 different La Mians. 12 Xiao Long Baos. Oh mai oh mai makes me drOoL just thinking of it.

Hence the SUPER satisfied 
Then we went to watch Harry Potter. Bleah kinda disappointing lah esp if you read the book. The movie was really rushed and abrupt. Whadawaste !! BUT the POPCORN was Goot. YEah popcorn should always ALWAYS Always be sweet! All ya weirdOs who like it saLty.. WHY??? Heng my potter watching BUDS like it SChweeT! *CooKie Monster Chompin* OKay best part comes after MoOvie.. *kneels down and starts to pray* Dear Lord i thank thee for cows and their milk.. plants and their sugar.. men and their inventions and most of all i thank thee for BEN and JERRY *woot* Ahhh describing it with words would be a terrible terrible injustice so heres the pictures... everybody put on the BIBS.
I cant remeber the flavours for it was like a DREaM... phish food..cookie dough.. chocolate fudge something i rem alot of chocolate... so much chocolate until we felt abit sick so we decided to wash it down with a lil... strawberry, mint chocolate and chucky monkay WowEE

MOre satisfied LOOKs and MONsters.... whew and thats onli freedom dae 1... one whole month more to go.... *evil laugh* i cant waittttttttttttt my drool shall flood the LANDS
Denise was cranky at 12.39am
Studying for exams drives me MAD.
Cant really figure out if i'm Happy or Sad.
Waking up real early then sleepin kinda late
then i cant even remember what i just ate...
sit on benches till my bum is SORE
yet day after day i come back for more!?!
Freezing my fingers and my toes..
we're all dressing like the EskiMos!!
Drowning myself in coffee and tea..
then every 20 minutes, JiaLat have to PEE...
I look around, searching for solace
but i'll have better luck finding a dinosaurus.
The real question i'm dying to ask,
what is worse? Muggin, or being hit by a BUS!
Random Pics. I miss my Bitches..
I love the spice girls and i ain too proud to admit that!!
so i was supposed to go to school today but i didn't.
(a) i slept too late last night
(b) mum forgot to wake me till it was kinda late and i took it as a sign to sleep in
so then been writing my stats cheet sheets all day.. very draining arh.. we are allowed 8 pages i'm, at chapter 8 now and still on first sheet.. so should be no problem but i'm really tired and my mind has started to wander and i'd like to raise some important questions
1. Why do i insist on staying home so much when i know i'm more efficient in school??
2. Why did Westlife do a cover of Josh Groban's "You raise me up" with the exact same music settings, background vocals and all?? Its exactly the same! just 4 guys doing what 1 guy can do much much better much much MUCH better!! *roll eyes* maybe they should call it the "we-look-prettier-but-sound-rubbish 2005 REmiX"
3. Why is it that i can bathe and feel sticky all over again in half an hour??
4. Why do i bother to bathe then?
5. Why do the lecturers insist on crampin so much into a module... it makes it impossible to study.
6. Why am i still sharing a room with my sister? i'm like 20!!!!!
7. Why havent i KILLED my sister in her sleep? i must have amazin tolerance, patience either that or her dirt and mess and tissue paper mountain has evolved into some virus that infected my neuro system rendering me unable to inflict pain on her!
8. Why is it i study for like 2 hours str8 and the moment i take out the lap top to take a break, the mother walks in and NAGS......
message received loud and clear!!
sometimes when God replies, he dun just send you a small sign. He whips out the flashing neon sign boards, he uses the loudhailer with amplifier super-woofer, surround sound... Dolby digital ans this morning during mass, i got the message loud and clear. Remeber my post yesterdae, about my frustrations of not doing good in school and painting mugs for a living.. well during sermon today this is what Fr martin said... " we are all given different gifts and talents and these gifts and talents are not ours..they belong to the big investor above.. and what we choose to do with these gifts and talents are really our own choice.. but when we study and train, we must remeber that it is never for our own glory or prestige, when we expand our gifts we make it so that we can better carry out what God has planned for us.. we are all unique, sent to fufill a certain task that only we can fufill.. sure we can choose to bury that talent but the world and the people we are meant to touch will be 'poorer' because of that...like good poker players, we must learn when to HOLD and when to FOLD... so the next time we are faced with difficulties on what to do with our talents, say a prayer that sounds like this.. Dear Lord, the talents i have you have given to me. Grant me the grace then to know when to hold and when to fold." And so it was a huge reassurance for me.. he has given me my talents and he had planned what i am to do with it.. instead of fretting for no reason, i should ask him to let me know when to hold and when to fold... silly me...worry for nothing again.. with God, i always get the reassurance i need to carry on and now that i've made it a point to pray before i start revision, things are finally picking up speed.. oh man How sweet it is to be loved by him!! heh.. The best part, is that for thanksgiving hymn, we sung "You are Mine" its my ultimate favourite him and each time i'm deeply troubled, it will be sung.. i felt so comforted i was about to cry..happy tears of course.. whao.. thanks GOD!!!!
i'm not smart and i cant be hardworking
Being around smart people is scary. It really is. Then i wonder.. i've never been a TOP student why on God's green earth am i muggin so hard now? maybe i just ain cut out for that kinda stuff..UROPS, Masters, PhD..schlorships... is it a case of regret.. maybe i should've cultivated a mugger sttitude earlier then i would be so stuck in the rut at the moment.. *shrugs* at least nobody can say i never tried.. because i sure am.. maybe some people are cut out for bigger stuff and i, well lets just say maybe i can paint mugs for a living or something. Today is just one of those days where you (out of the blue) decide to stop and think about your future. Do i have a future....? sigh even if i wanted to do UROUPS, i dun even think the Profs would want me lor.. i'm like just drifting through uni life.. i'm not a go getter.. the thought of having to go one on one and convince a prof to take me in is cow-ass scary to me.. i think of the questions he will ask and i think i seriously may not have the answers...then i think.. second uppers.. *faints* the unreachable dream bah... if i get a cap of 4 this sem..4+3.56=7.56/2=3.78 then i need another 4 next sem..3.78+4=7.78/2=3.89... then another 4... 3.89+4=7.89/2=3.94 then 4... 3.97 then 4..3.98 HUH.. not even 4 lor.. OMG.. *shakes head* can someone tell me how to do well in NUS please....
So. Busy mugging. Wait, let me rephrase.. busy trying to mugg..
So. My lecturer says rich people are impotent because they eat too much shark's fin and shark's fin is cartilage and thus high in mercury and thus
IT KILLS YOUR SPERMS. It silences your TADPOLES. It murders your MOJO. so.. another reason not to eat shark's fin k!! When the buying STOPS, the killing CAN too.
Never TOo FULL
Feasting. Thats what kings used to do.. i decided to carry on that age old tradition lah, Whats living without good food and good company yah. So yesterday after Physio test we headed to Plaza Sing.. wanted to catch a movie then remembered that eve of public hols abit ex lah.. then when we were on NEL this lady had pizza with her and she was sittin right beside us!?!?!?!? aiyoh.. i tried everything inclusing breathin thru my mouth but i couldn't stop salivating.. i thought i was the only one suffering in silence.. then i couldnt take it anymore... " shall we eat pizza hut later??"*everybody simultaneously* "YES!!!" the response was so enthusiastic it almost drowned the sound of our tummies growling.. heh pretty obvious i wasnt the only one salivatin.. pizza hut should consider that form of getting more customers man!..

This picture is small because i looked terribly UNGLAM... cannot arh.. its my blog leh got reputation and quality to uphold... my readers deserve good QC :p

Ling.. hope you like this..romantic hor.. got special effects one leh... like in a dream... a fairytale...
Yah and today.. went to Pete's Place at Grand Hyatt.. ITALIAN~!! I couldn't help fantasizing that i was eating with MichaeL Corleone (the Godfather!!) with all that romantic food... olive bread, sun dried tomato BUTTER... (yeah you heard me right), calamari, cheese baked eggplant *OoLAla*, Clams, Beef Ragout, Pasta, Tiramisu..Creme Brulee..chocolate Praline Cake.. ok i hope you're not currently drowning in your own DROoL... i got pics but will post em later.. if not i myself also cannot tahan arh.. and the ambience is there is real good too.. good service the type that anticipates your needs.. till next time~! Tata or should i say Ciao~!