[d]iRt@e Lau[d]ry
Why i believe that you'll believe.
Leaving for Brisbane in another... 19 hours? Excited? Hell Yeah. Nervous? Definitely, 1st trip w/o parents mah. Such a mix of emotions including frustration from packing mai silly, currently huge and heavy as a slab of concrete bag. But i have faith, that in what every i do God will watch over me and my loved ones. So, i lift this whole holiday experience up to him. You know, I love discovering everyday, God's plan for me. His lil gifts and his mysterious ways. Just like candid camera, it's when you least expect it. As in all good essays, here as some examples to illustrate my point :)
Case A)
Bali trip. If we hadn't walked out of the first agency because of the utter LACK of service, we wouldn't have wandered into KENT holidays, where the service is good and the deals were much cheaper. If we had taken the first package, we would have to take a night flight into Bali, and a early flight out. What a RIP OFF!! The package the 2nd agency provided was not only one day longer, we got to fly SQ which leaves for Sydney in the morning and left late afternoon. Plus we get our choice of hotel (1st one no choice). Luckily we din settle for less, MUCH less.
Case B)
When i went out for lunch with Nat and Jacq, i forgot it was friday. When i went to order my rosti, i opted not to have my usual sausage because for some reason the sausages were like 9 bucks simply too EX. Funny lah i never remembered it to be so EX.. *shrugs* anyway everytime i have Rosti, I always haf sausage..this was once in a blue moon..hell once in a multi coloured flashing neon moon! As i sat down on my chair, i realised it was friday...and i grinned to myself.
Case C)
I've been debating abt whether to bring my bulky CD player. An alternative would be to being a good book mah. But i never had the time to go down to the library. Guess what ? Today, outta the blue at my cousin's birthday party my Uncle Joseph whips out a book he had once told me about and tells me he bot it for me to read. We talk abt alot of stuff but this is the first time he's gone and get it for me. So very sweet of him..guess french guys are more thoughtful and caring yah..haha so now i have my good read.
So anyways, i'm feeling blessed as usual and i thot i shld really blog about it. I have a close fren who is a skeptic, a non-believer. I remember our conversation, you asked me if i really believed in this "
God stuff" you said that you really don't. Well i'll tell you again what i told you that day. I know we lead very different lives and i can prob understand y you dun believe in him. But trust me when i say that i feel his loving presence and support for me in every thing i do. with him, everything you experience has meaning, has hope, has joy. I try to tell you a lil abt Him everytime we meet, i try my best to be a better person just so you'll see it and maybe start to believe. At the end if the day, i've done my part and planted the seed. HE will be the one to make it happen. One day my friend, when you feeling utterly lost, or shattered, helpless or in despair..if you ever feel like you have no more love to give or if you feel unlovable, i hope you'll remember that what he's done for me, he is ever so willing to do for you. If you'll just ask.

" Everyday I search, knowing full well that you'll show me the way. Everyday I question, but only you have the answer I need. Everyday I lament about not having. The truth is, i never asked."
Ode to the Queen.
The gang and I went down to East Coast todae for a belated bdae celebration for Candice. Ah Candice the puny-est, cutest, sweetheart and probably truly the kindest, biggest heart i've had the pleasure of knowing. This girl was my bestest
girlfriend in JC. This girl keeps me grounded, and is simply hilarious at times. A gifted musician and the best listener any girl could ask for. My fellow bandmember of
Blurred Clarity and the only person in Singapore that has a copy of our first album! :) The One who gets my jokes, laughs at my jokes and is most of the time THE JOKE. Shes the Summer of my OC, the tune to my lyrics and the Queen of my Heart *heh* (inside joke)

The complete number shld be 6. BUt after trying birthday after birthday, we still can't get a complete 6. sigh. and pardon the ugly berms..nicer berms are in the wash.

my darlin Candice and I recreating bollywood cinema magic. Any intertested directors, scriptwriters, casting directors can contact us vis this blog.

i was so sick and tired of sunitha not being able to take a proper pic, i almost lost it..and jumped

She's so tiny and she can jump realli high shes a netballer. My poor back nearly cannot take it when she happily jumped on me lor..*roll eyes*

makaning at cafe cartel where mich and tao super malu-ed themselves cause they wanted steak but wrote the wrong number and ordered chicken chop. The best part, they onli found out when the waitress saw medium rare written on the order and told them that "chicken chop cannot medium rare, all well done!!!" Whahahhahaha

this is how i look when everybody else gets their food b4 me.
Between the devil and the deep blue sea.
Getting ready to go to Aus. For some reason, i feel so unprepared. A bit scary arh, doing this alone without the parents. I trust it'll be fine, i have to start from somewhere. Everybody please pray for me k. Anyways, i've been suffering from shopping withdrawal syndrome. I can't shop because i'm saving money for the unsponsored trip. I can however shop for stuff for the trip so thats helping to lessen the side effects. I really need a new pair of shoes, my ol' nike is extremely comfy but getting old lah. But we all know these things ain cheap. Then the need to get a decent mp3 player. My original plan was wait till after i trade in my nokia to get one because my phone can store music mah..but then nokia's latest phones have been so disappointing so i haven't traded in the phone yet so i'm stuck with no mp3 playa, a phone that can onli store 18 songs, and a cd player that can't work unless its attached to a external control thingy. Sighs so its either bring the bulky player complete with external control and even bulkier CDs OR 20 songs to last me 2 and a half weeks. Next up, is the disappointment i have for a digi cam. Ooo Olympus..supposed to be good but then the display is so small and can;t take good pictures in the dark..and the charger is screwed. haiya..so frustrating leh..if i save the $2500 needed for the trip, i could prob get all of these but i miss out on possibly the funnest holiday ever with my dearest fren and also my first venture into greater independence. Percy and Aussie, I CHOOSE YOU!
"A perfectly symmetrical flower reminds me of you. As i gaze upon it, i am in awe. In awe of its beauty. In awe of your greatness and generosity. A perfectly symmetrical flower. How did you know i'd like it?"
hey hey hey its Fathers' Day
My family has always been big on celebrations. Birthdays, anniversaries, mother's day u name it.. yah so we most definitely celebrated Fathers' Day today. To be exact, we started celebrations on friday. Makan cleverly arranged so that we wouldn't have to wrestle for the waiter's attention on Sunday. Originally, planning for fathers' day was left to the sis and the mom. After my lil outbreak the other time, they..or rather, I decided it was time the sis took over some of the responsibilities and of course my sis can't do anything without my mum, so she signed on as well. The result, was surprises that never came through but still a very happy father on fathers'day. The Magnificent Duo or Blur and blurer as i like to call em, turned every surprise into a comic act.. gees..but at least they contributed this time, and ME.. well i got to sit back, relax and laugh.
At church this morning, i tot father's sermon was very good. He said: " be patient with your fathers, none of us are prefect. Maybe one day, we'll have to take on the responsibility of caring for them. Bear in mind, that how you treat them, and care for them is exactly how you will be cared for in the future." Not meaning to brag at this point, i must give myself a pat on the back for patience with the Dad. His hearing is becoming a real problem. He can't hear you most of the time, so you have to repeat, and raise your voice and it is thruthfully quite tiring. Somedays you lack the patience to put up with him saying HUH? for the quadrillionth time and you snap.. then you regret.. and you bring him chocolate... heh..Dads..the drive you crazy most of the times..then they go and do something so sweet, you can't help but wipe the slate clean and start all over again. I LOVE YA DADDY!! *muaks*
at least i tried..*shrugs*
ok i know it is not exactly revamped.. but the colours are brighter..layout is simplier.. and erm i did the heading myself. Give the girl a break ok, at least i tried. Anihoo, i'm just came back from Bali (Lurved it!) and leaving for aussie on 26th. Be back on July 12th, just in time for THE BIRTHDAY *neon flash lights* on JULY 18th *hit the sirens!!*
And.. here are pics from Bali. I knoe you pple feed on pictures so here goes.

View From the hotel.. prettieee

just making full use of the facilities in the room

Glass bottles dun you just miss em?

Seafood with a view.. and everybody gets a flower in their hair

can you imagine eating seafood with a view lke that in front of you? man i was more busy snappin pics

Ok..enjoy.. me in a skirt and flower in my hair

Making friends everywhere i went.. teman baik saya..

Now thats an active volcano behind us

frying coffee beans..looks like he's having fun yah??

At the ancient temple, with our nice yellow and orange sashes

The balinese believe if you're sick or down in luck you shld drink from the respective fountain and you'll be healed.The problem is figuring out which fountain is for what..only the high priest knows.

No those are not ugly hats..those are freshlyharvested rice..

found romance in Bali..

snapping pictures on the plane
sorry guys i'm in the process of completely revamping my blog.
check back soon.