[d]iRt@e Lau[d]ry
Guys.. I really really need your prayers. Apparently my 4 month old nephew Josh has just been hospitalised with Dengue Fever. I havent been to see him but my aunt says he has needles stuck in his lil arms and even his legs cause hes so small.. its simply heart breaking but i have absolute faith that he'll pull through. Please keep him in your prayers please...
Waking up is hard to do.
Missed 2 lectures this week. This is bad.
I'm not a morning person. I wouldn't wake up unless the building collapsed and my bed shattered into a million pieces and i lose my pillow and my blanket and my bolster and a suave rugged looking, tall fireman in his oh-so-cool uniform came to rescue me from the rubble.. *swoon*
So yep i have to stay up late to study and for all of you who do, you realise after you pass the one am mark.. you kinda reach a place of numbness..which comes after the place of overpowering sleepiness and before the place where you pass out in front of your lap top and have Q.W.E.R.T.Y imprinted on your fore head. So i tend to remain numb till about 3 am and then i begin dragging myself to my bed. The thing is, its not difficult to oversleep for LSM lectures because.. well.. they are cow-ass BORING.. and the notes are simply UNINSPIRING.. and yes is it worth it to drag yourself outta bed to hear your lecturer say: "nitrogenous molecules are molecules that contain nitrogen?? "(i am never getting over this) *deep breath* Yes i know thats not a good enough excuse.. so yep i will make a significantly larger effort to turn up for lectures..On Time!! *sigh*
On to another subject..for some reason, i'm totally in oldies nowadays.. those old disco hits.. Earth Wind and Fire.. those ol' feel good hits.. Beach Boys and Beatles.. those ol' love songs.. All-4-One.. those ol' rock songs..Queen and Bon Jovi.. ah yes therefore i shall carry out a revamp of my music list soon so ya all can have a good listen.. but i've been swarmped with work so be patient yeah.. love and peace everyone..love and peace..

Do NOT and i repeat! DO NOT POKE strange looking big men made of rocks on the thighs and say " Hmm been working out ya?"

came across this Hiiiiii larious picture which is totally appropriate for making a promotional picture for CSS..one of the best candid shots EVER..
I wanna live in a comedy.
"Isn't she lovely
Isn't she wonderful
Isn't she precious
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love we'd be
Making one as lovely as she
But isn't she lovely made from love
Isn't she pretty
Truly the angel's best
Boy, I'm so happy
We have been heaven blessed
I can't believe what God has done
through us he's given life to one
But isn't she lovely made from love"
Stevie Wonder - Isn't She Lovely
Have you ever wonder-ed (pun intended) how it would have felt to have a song like that written about you? Its such a happy, hope filled, thankful and touching song. Shucks i want a musician for a dad too..one who can play the harmonica as kick ass as Stevie Wonder too..
AnyHOo, enough day dreamin..I've been watching watching lotsa sitcoms lately and i've come to realise that sitcoms and comedies are much more than television shows to laugh at. When you watch Friends for example, don't you sometimes wish that you could be living in that sitcom, that that was you life, where conversations were witty, people were funny and endearing, everything had a happy ending and stuff that didn't have happy endings had an important lessons to be learnt. I wish i lived in a sitcom.. i truly do. Guess that makes me an Escapist. I get attached and involved with the characters i see because they are living the life i wish i had. Yeah some people label people like me - TV addicts but i'd like to think that watching TV is more than just a mindless pasttime.. it provides me with a chance to live as someone else for 30 minutes every day..no matter how rotten my day has been, or how disapointing the situation here in our world is, for 30 minutes, i watch people do silly things, whatever their hearts tell them to do, without repercutions...they dun have to constantly live up to peoples expectations, dun have responsibilities, dun have to feel hurt or let down, dun have to hear news about hurricanes and irresponsible governments, nothing about murders or robbery or other shameless acts that humans commit..for half and hour i get to sit down and laugh away the many disappointments that life brings. Comedies and Sitcoms seldom disappoint. And that is something thats hard to find in the world we live in. That is why after that 30 minutes i develop a new sense of hope.. and that gives me strength i guess..emotional fuel to carry on..I know it sounds icredibly silly, but its just me i guess. Laughter is my medicine, and its my shield too i hide behind it all the time.. i guess cause its easier to laugh something off rather than cry about it. Now thats food for thought :)
the 5 days of Mid Sem Break
On the
1st day of Mid Sem Break, my saviour gave to me..
A mooncake pot luck PArtEee!
On the 2nd day of Mid Sem Break, my saviour gave to me..2 movies watching and a mooncake potluck partee..
On the 3rd day of Mid Sem Break, my saviour gave to me more than 3 hours of Comm Meeting, 2 movies watching and a mooncake potluck partee..
On the 4th day of Mid Sem Break, my saviour gave to me..4 hours of scrubs!..morethan 3 hours of comm meeting, 2 movies watching and a mooncake pot luck partee..
On the 5th day of Mid Sem Break my saviour gave to me.. 5 hours of STATS... 4 hours of scrubs..more than 3 hours of comm meeting, 2 movies watching AND...A... MOONCAKE POTLUCK PARTEeee!!!
StarHub personality test??
I just did some survey for Starhub on some new gadget they plan to launch soon i think and they actually included this.. which i found strangely true..FFfreaky!! In the meantime, based on your answers, we think you are a ...Life affirming wisdom seekerYou understand that new does not always mean better and you see no reason to skip from one fad to the next. You value things that have stood the test of time, things that have proved themselves. You hate to kill time? that would be cruel, and after all, every moment is precious. You are fully aware that life is a one lap race. You like to enjoy every moment, getting lots out of life, because you put lots in.
You love to be right, and take great pains to avoid ever being wrong. You can be compulsively rational and some see you as a perfectionist. You tend to listen to your "inner critic", your inner set of standards that tends to be quite rigorous, and independent of what other people tell you. Hence, you are often very self-critical, and sometimes critical of others as you expect the same high standards of others that they have imposed on yourselves. Often your this energy is channeled into discipline, organization, a strong work ethic and a love of fairness, justice, and truth.
Famous people who share these traits include:Hillary Clinton, Alan Greenspan, Ralph Nader, Martha Stewart, Aristotle, Queen Elizabeth II, Tony Blair
the television OFFENDED me.
As i lie on my bed, blasting "Run to you" on my JVC CD/VCD player, i can't help feeling slightly offended. No.. its not because the singers sound bad.. they sound great in fact..it because of this silly show i just caught on TV while on my study hiatus..
"Mei4 Li4 Bai3 Fen1 Bai3" (omg my han yu pin yin is down the drain!)
I can for the life of me remember the english name of that demeanin show.. Project Beauty or something.
Aniways.. the story goes that this girl..wanted to lose weight because..(heres the best part) her father in law says she needs to lose weight.. ok i must admit i only caught bits and pieces but during the final review they actually asked whether the father in law appraoved of her new figure and he kept smiling and saying tat he did ( OF course lah national TV leh) then the girl said.. when she used to go over for dinners previously, her father in law would pat her on the shoulders and remind her to lose weight.. Mind you arh..this lady is not FAT fat..shes like big size but not.. two bus seats fat ok..
I was just thinking, isn't it awfully sad that not only must fat women endure judgment from strangers they meet everyday, from people they know, sometimes even from family members and NOW they have to lose weight in order to qualify as prospective daughter in law.. Hmmph WTF (pardon me) But on NATIONAL TV.. they are telling children and teens everywhere that TRUE LOVE is INADEQUATE.. Yes you LOVE each other but i'm sorry kiddo it ain gonna be enough until you lose weight... (HUH!?!??!) I wonder wonder wonder if her husband to be has even defended her before..*roll eyes* If My husband to be ever dares to suggest that i lose weight in order to please his parents then God help me.. I will make him swallow our engagement ring..
I just feel so disappointed in this world we live in. How can they teach people to be so shallow??? i just don;t geddit.. take Villa Wellness for example... first they get David Gan hurl tactless insults at the girls then they portray the girls as desperate losers fawning over Jon Johnson.. Now this week they feature videos from home.. in a supposed touching scene, a mother tells her daughter that even if she fails to lose weight, shes still her daughter... ok IS IT JUST ME, OR IS THAT A GIVEN!??!?!?! Will any mother tell her daughter to scram if she doesn;t lose the weight..??? why must they make it seem like it was extra generous of that mother to say that?? GEEZ..
i just can't help getting upset and i know it seems petty but despite what my frens and family say, I'm fat and i know it. I tried losing weight yes i've suceeded in losing the major excesses but i'm stuck in a place where i put on weight the moment i let myself indulge a lil.. i can't even afford to give myself a break..no stress or comfort food.. the last time i threw caution to the wind, i regretted... i've thought of just giving up..because its easier if i dun have to watch every single mili calorie.. but the thought of having to endure the stares..and being transparent..and having sales people look down on me, i just dun think i can take it.. call me a hypocrite or desperate loser.. i guess i do what i can..and take comfort in the fact that there are people who love me for who i am.. and yes jesus loves me yes i know..

Only in NUS,
Will the study rooms and libraries be packed during Mid Sem Break.
Will a Mid Sem break start on a Sunday ( play cheat dun they know its alreadi a day of rest??)
Will a week start on a Friday and end on a

Thursday (instead of mon- fri)
Will Lecturers say things like "Nitrogenous molecules like Amino Acids are molecules that contain nitrogen." ( Like seriously we are top 20 univesity leh.. why like that??)
Will they send out notices on 20th september when the deadline is

18th september (BbbbravO!)
Only in NUS, where you'll find only the BESt ( *cough* jokers in the planet *cough*)
Love is a many splender thing.
People ask why i've been so busy lately.
My parents dun say it,
but i know that my not coming back for dinner together is bumming them out.
then sometimes i get so swarmed with planning and coordinating i get so tired.
In fact nowdays i'm always tired.
I sleep on the bus. I never sleep on the bus but nowadays its sleep i need.
Then i ask myself if i've bitten off more than i can chew.
Maybe i was too gung ho.
Maybe it was all too unrealistic.
Then i go online and at 3 am i see 8 other names online and busy too.
8 names under the same tab on my messenger contact list.
8 people to shoulder this with me.
I feel comforted.
Then i go to friday mass.
I used to feel that the 'peace be with you' part was so stressful and awkward
Now i go to friday mass and i see people i truly love.
People i willingly serve cause just to see them happy would make me happy.
People i would not only wish peace, but happiness and all things good too.
I realise that if i'd left in the beginning,
i wouldn't have had the immense honour of calling them my friends.
You guys know who you are and i hope you read this my lovelies.
First gathering is tomorroe and i hope and pray it'll be good.
If love in every heart be our goal, then this goal is accomplished in mine for its is filled with love for God and all of you.
Casting Crowns. Who Am I?
Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You're
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours
Who Am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who Am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours
Shit. WHy am i feeling like this.
I'm saying this only because i need to get it off my chest.And if i tell anione to the face it'll probably freak my friends out.I dunno what i'm feeling lately..strange feelings..totally inexplicable..Geez..its so wrong..shouldnt shouldnt be in my mind but i can't help it. Argh.Dammit lah whats wrong with me? ok.. nobody comment on this. maybe its just the alcohol talking. I HoPe!!
BlurredClarity. A Tribute.

When life gets you down, you reminisce about when life wasn't all that bad.
Everybody Hurts.
When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
when you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on.
Don't let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.
Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along.
When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)
if you feel like letting go, (hold on)
when you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on.
Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends.
Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand.
If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone
If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,
when you think you've had too much of this life to hang on.
Well, everybody hurts sometimes,
everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.
And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on.

Hayley Wisterna Concert in St Marys.. guess who was there?

Us Lor..

How nice of her to fly ALL the way down from New Zealand.. to sing in aid of migrant workers.. and she sounds damn good tOo.. a lil tOo charlotte church-ish for me but still damn power.. I'm forever faithfuL to Josh GroBan..*SwOOn* if only he din look so Seth Cohen-ish.. can you believe that voice comes outta a face like that..SheeSh..At leaSt God Was Being Fair Lah..Whahhah