[d]iRt@e Lau[d]ry
Who ask you so vain!
so its more bad news for the Tan family this morning.
Don't wanna talk about it. Sigh
Mum insists we should still go for thanksgiving mass. nothing like Mum to keep your faith in check i guess. She says despite it all, we have many many things to give thanks for and after pondering about it, i guess she's undeniably right.
Just came back from dental. With all the damn metal in my mouth, i feel like c3po! maybe i should diamond studd the metal in my mouth..then i could be one of those rappers on MTV.. i just saw the other day.. their mouth full of bling bling sia.. I also extracted 2 teeth. Pain is just about setting in. Now i wonder if i would've been happier having crooked teeth the rest of my life. How come when i say i'm having braces done, people actually ask me WHY!?!? hmm..lets see.. can't be because i love how metal feel rubbing against my cheeks right..Maybe maybe i like getting ULCERS..no..maybe i just love the PAIN!! TSK.... strange people i know lor.... WHY???? CAUSE MY TEETH NOT STRAIGHT LAH... haiya vain lor..still have to ask..tsk
Thank You and you and you
Many many thanks to the people who called, sms-ed and visited. I'm fine really, because death is a eventual thing and my faith tells me that there is nothing to fear about death. So although we mourn, we rejoice at the same time that my aunt is home with the Lord and that we are in your thoughts and prayers.
The mood has been a lil more sombre than usual at home but we're helping each other through it all. My dad's on leave and so my mum has "oh-so-conviniently" started to place the Robinson, Metro and *insert every other major shopping center in Singapore* SALES brochures all over the house. My dad however has adopted Zen way of life, by pretending to meditate (blocking out all external noise) each time my mum begins a sentence with *insert any major shopping center in Singapore*. And yes in case you've always wondered why i'm sucha goofball, please kindly take a look at exhibit A --- MY PARENTS!
I spent the morning hunting for my Budak Pantai CD and found it in my Dad's Cd player. Heh guess my love for the Arts is starting to rub of on him :) GREAT! Now thats he's getting more and more interested, i can bring him for more of such performances and being the loving Dad that he is, HE WILL PAY for the TIX!!! *evil laugh* of course, i'll get to spend more time with Him mah then he'll stop complaining that i always splurge on my mum.
The teeth are really beginning to hurt. Who knew that rubber bands could inflict so much pain? oh man now i have no choice but to learn to swallow the food i'm eating without much chewing... I think thats kinda unhealthy you know.. bah!! the price to pay for straight teeth... ok so if you all wanna dine with me arh..make sure there is soup, pasta, tofu, stewed veggie or jelly on the menu OR a blender lah then i can blend everything and DRINK!
And... school's reopening soon and CORS is back to haunt all of us at NUS..stay strong my peeps STAY STRONG!
I wish i had faith like yours
My aunt passed away on christmas day.
Stomach cancer i believe.
Her faith is truly unwavering and inspiring.
She refused treatment. She was not afraid of death.
She was looking forward to reunite with the Father.
She prayed only that He wouldn't let her suffer too much.
He granted it, probably in recognition of her strong faith.
She went, in her sleep, after staying with each of her kids for a few months each.
Christmas Day, He came and took her with Him, back home.
To the people i love: I'm so sorry.
Denise is feeling sorta confused this christmas season. hence she has once again decided to talk about herself in the third person. It has probably been the busiest holiday month, i am out almost every day and enjoying myself surely. But as i sat at marina, looking at the tom yam soup boil i suddenly felt very very tired. Not just sleepy because i had eaten too much but really tired. Its a kind of fatigue that made me uninterested in getting presents and planning celebrations. yes i would like to think that its because i understood the true meaning of christmas and therefore placed less emphasis on such stuff. But for some reason it didn't feel that way. When i hear priest talk about understanding what christmas truely means, i feel empty... if i was in the right mindset, i should have felt excitement and joy instead of empitiness as i hear them talk about it right? i really dunno... on one hand i feel like i'm closer to God then i've ever been and then on the other hand i look around and see people with that joy that i am now missing... am i doing something wrong? am i thinking too much? am i doing too much but failing to be quiet and hear Him speak to me? I may have been joyful about christmas in the past for the wrong reasons but at least i was joyful. I love making the people around me happy, which i why i loved christmas and birthdays where i could make them stuff and be happy from seeing them happy... but for some reason, i've become so tired... too tired to make the people i love happy? that sounds ridiculous and it frightens me.. what i'm becoming. Too busy to love.
You won't believe this!!!!
And so i return from retreat. wiser but oh so pOoped. after managing to drag my gigantous bag all the way home, i realise, i din bring KEY!! well done denise! simply brilliant!! and in the words of shirley, maaarvellous! Thank God my parent were on their way home so i sat outside the house trying hard not to look like i was going to break into my own house... then things got interesting... stomach ache sia...so i prayed.. and distracted myself with the radiO... haiya ok tired liao...
it ain over till its over.
Today was just wanna those days, where you had something really cool planned but you were just too pooped to go thru with plan but you were too guilty to cancel plan so then you decide to stick with it cause after-all it was a good plan AND THEN... *deep breath* the other party calls while you were still mid way between LalaLand and the real world to reschedule because something shitty popped up.. so then you fall blissfully back into your bed, nestle back into the 56 pillows you have, wonder why you never suffocated yourself in your sleep before, grin in contentment (guilt free) and thank God for his marvellous planning skills.
Yup long story short, slept in late today..woke up at 1130 which really isn't bad at all considering its the holidays and my record is 2pm. yeah must have been that DIS-gusting mugging period while i had to wake at 7 to get to library at 8... Eeeee pui pui pui i am supposed to forget forget that Dark period.. pui pui pui CHOY!
First thing i saw this morning, my red..no wait purple.. no actually its my supposed to be purple but under the light looks red hair.. i cant decide if i like it.. its... Different. Bumped into someone i knew but havent met in a while.. first thing he said- " OMG, is that Denise Tan with girly pink hair?" NUMBER ONE!! its NOT PINK... its supposed to be purple but looks red under the sun!! oh but we were indoors so its supposed to be PURPLE.. PINK??? tsk.. i would've smacked him or body slammed him but being the peace and harmony advocate i am, i decided just to stare at him like there were jets of fire shooting outta my eyes... " hey pea brain, its not pink lah you colur-blind rodent and its most definately not girly!" this guy being a guy *roll eyes* just didn't know trouble when it shot fire from its eyes actually went on to say " its definately girly.. all you need is a skirt and a short one perferably" At this point, i had a Incredible Hulk moment and rage took over.. i blanked out and the next thing i knew, there were blood on my hands.. and i couldn't find him anywhere.. o well i'm sure the hospital will take good care of him... mOOooving on...
i think my friend-radar is wonky... i keep getting these vibes but the signals are abit Off leh.. not as accurate as they used to be..like i just felt like someone dear to me was feeling down but we had a talk and she seems fine.. then someone else i that i thought was fine had a breakdown on the phone with me.. damn.. *shakes friend-radar* does this come with a warrenty? anyway maybe i've just become clueless... i don't like that i wanna know if my pals are in need of a moral booster..tell ya guys what.. since the system will be down for the time being, if you're feeling
(b)angry with me
(e) another other complex human emotion
please let me know kay cause i wouldn't have a clue if you didn't.
And last update on this entry... i'm in love with this Rob Thomas song. He sang it live during AMA..B.E.A utifULL but the real reason why i love it because it reminds me a very special song. its freaky how similar the lyrics are and its BeautiFULL!!
Pamela Oei's Biggest Fan. really.
OH mai Gudness... Denise is feeling so on top of the world and blessed at the moment she cant help but start talking about herself in the third person again. Where oh where do i begin to tell thy story..
THURSDAE:The mum, the sis and i took a bus to JB for some *screams* KICK ASS RETAIL THERAPY yeah man i'm truly in love with shopping at truly Asia... they never let me down... ok ok here got picture of my SpOiLS--->

Thats 8 tops fer about 120 sing..oh whao so exciting lor when we ran outta cash i started signing using my visa mini oh yah got 10% discount somemore at factory outlet... i was SuGar MaMma fer a day eh i tell you arh signing fer clothers is truly addictive k.. you'll get a high, a tremendous RUSH... must contrOL arh... remember girls: "with great visa capabilities come great responsibility" PLUS my dad came to join us later and we had the YUMMILICIOUS-iest Indonesian food... NUS (If you're listening, please arrange fer a helicopter to air lift me to all my lectures, tuts and practs next sem cause i'm pretty certain i wun be able to fit the doors at this rate of fine dining)
FRIDAYMOre excitement todae as i went for my first consultation at the dentist because i'm gonna get my braces done! yep clampin up my mouth with metal wires is probably the only way to keep me away from the FoOd *slurp* AniHOo.. the dentist is SUPER.. friendly and most importantly he shares my sense of humour.. Oh yeah people who can appreciate my type of humour are few and far between, a breed of our own, we should be sealed for freshness and kept encrusted with precious stones while people of foreign lands come and pay tribute to us :)
After dental i went down to meet my cousin and her bf (Jo and Wayne) to catch "Oi Sleeping Beauty". In case you didn't already know, i'm a HUGE supporter of the local threatre scene now especially after catching Dim Sum Dollies, I'm officially HOOkED... i cannot live without the crazy but bloody hilarious antics of Selena Tan, Pamela Oei, Hossan Leong, Chua En Lai... i could go on and on lah... but bottom line, i seriously SaLute, HOmat, Kow Tow to these people.. I think they are truly talented, very very good at what they do despite the lack of support for their art..i think they are severly under-credited and under-appreciated.. I must admit though that i preferred Dim Sum.. because Sleeping Beauty is scripted such that the kids will enjoy lor BUT BUT but...still cow ass funny funny FUNNY!
Note to Pamela Oei... if you're reading this and i have no idea why on earth you would be, but just in case you are, i LOVE YA i really DO... i think you're the funniest B*tch in Singapore seriously... Pam really rawks my socks.. just looking at her makes me laugh... she could just stand on stage and convert oxygen into carbon dioxide and i would love her all the same!!!Whee i love a good laugh... who wouldn't??
AND as if this isnt enough excitement, my darlin dearest friend Percy (really the only person able to surprise me with a gift) decided to splurge on this good ol pal and bot me a guitar as a belated gift... a GUITAR... a friggin GUITAR outside my house gave my mum a mini myocardinal infarction (heart attack).. and get this.. ITS A BLUE GUITAR... blue.. blue.. how funky, outrageous, oTT and SO very very ME... I love ya PERCY!!! ok i'm so giddy with excitement now i better go before i faint or something