[d]iRt@e Lau[d]ry
And so ladies and gentlement, the journey hadn't been easy, but i finally found my
dream phone 
1. Its ORANGE!!!
2. 2 megapixels Camera
3. Music Player
4. additional 512mb memory stick just for your music and other multimedia files. And if i buy now, free 512 mb memory stick so thats more than enuff music for me!! YEY
5. There camera light . No Not flash..just light so easy to take pictures at night..you can buy a add-on Flash though..but theres Camera Light (dunno whats the significance but there is lah)
6. FM Radio
i could go on and on..but here comes the part where i can't afford it. Actuali i can lah but i have to decide if i wanna part with 700 bucks for this baby.. ARgh The agony and inner torment..the anguish and pain, the struggle thats tearing me up from inside, the deep cutting sting of the sword that is dilemma..
I am with you always.
its been a real long time since i posted something decent and i apologise for that. Although i really should be sleeping right now, i feel compelled to share about the roller coaster week i've been experiencing. I think it was 2 posts ago when i said i din like to post abt bad days and its still true just that i have to kinda talk about it now for the sake of relavance..
So i was in pretty bad shape beginning of the week. I just really wanna do well in school this sem so i've been pushing myself pretty hard and its really getting the better of me and i'm starting to worry the pple ard me cause i look completely shagged everytime they see me in school. The beginning of term printing and tut registration frenzy really dun help too but Tut Registration is really my Mini Miracle 1 because (Thanks GOD) i got my stuff settled way before most people, thus saving me from the tension and nerves. Next thing is $$ woes..ok it may seem like i'm over reacting..i know my dad is not jobless or anything at the moment but as the eldest daughter, i take it upon myself to try and take less money from the parents..i've stopped the maniac shopping cold turkey and am trying to refrain from asking for more allowance although 50 a week is getting hard to maintain..So i was kinda upset that kiasu pple had q-ued an hour in advance for second hand book sale..i was so eyeing the $51 text cause without co-op card its like 98 bucks lor so i missed out on the sale and was in a dilemma on whether or not to but the silly text. Then Thursday came and my morale and mood for the week totally PLUNGEd.. I woke up early so that i could be early for LSM2101 lect that morning. The moment i stepped outta the house though, it started pouring real heavily the umbrella was of no use what so ever and my jeans were soaked within minutes. I couldn't walk fast because my sandals were slippery from stepping into puddles..to top it all off, i had to walk all the way to the 963 bus stop and along the way at least 4 cars zoomed past me and splashed tons of water on me. Frankly at this point my mood was still ok..not that rock bottom yet cause i knew malaysia needed the rain and chose to laugh at the whole situation. However, my jeans started to smell because they were not drying properly and my shoulder was killing me because i had brought my lap top to register for pract.. i had to go ikea some more to get some house hold stuff..gloves and bulbs..and what not..so by the time i returned home, i was severely pooped and my shoulder was bruised and even bleeding slightly from the bag..i started feelin kinda i guess unappreciated would be the right word to use but i din sare to voice it out because it sounds a lil conceited lor..like doing things and expecting something in return..i guess it had very much to do with the bad day..but i tot that i actualli dragged myself to ikea and back despite being tired, wet, smelly, and hurting..anyway nobody said thanks so i swallowed my feelings and went on with life..finding it real hard to be optimistic.Then i thought maybe i could persuade everyone to go watch dim sum dollies with me..after all 30 plus bucks ain much to pay to watch such a critically acclaimed local production at the esplanade mah..Now i seriously got pissed when one by one the members of my family blew me off with lame excuses..dad said" huh weekend arh we always got so many engagements on weekends" (f.y.i weekend engagements include market on sat morn and church on sun morning) Mum was even better she actualli told me "theatre was not her thing..and that she would pay that kind of money to watch that kind of show" NUMBER 1 its 30 bucks!?! and Number 2, i know my mother she IS into theatre she is frankly just too stingy to pay for the tix.SO i was fuming really..esp after all i had been thru on that day..but during CG i received assignment to be tolerant of family members so although i was this close to yelling at her, i swallowed it all down and went to my room. Its not healthy i tell you cause i was so angry my hair was already standing and i was actually more hurt then angry..my mum was the one would influenced me into liking musicals and theatre and now she looked me in the face and told me a complete lie..theatre is not my thing..why not just tell me i only enjoy talking about how i love and appreciate such stuff just that i think its too much money and trouble to actually attend the play. I went to my lappie, tired, stressed, angry, hurt, emotional, feeling like a loser for putting myself through all these, feeling unappreciated and feeling guilty for feeling unappreciated.
So that was the shape i was in.. BAD..
And then i ended up winning a pair of tickets to Dim sum Dollies that very night.
I managed to get the text i needed for only $50 and its brand new.
I got my father to buy a decent canon all-in-one printer.
I had the best night of my life at the esplanade with the Dim Sum Dollies. (the 1st time since a very long time where i really laughed hard)
I managed to hear myself on the radio.
I had Tan Kheng Hua call me in the middle of stats lect to tell me where to collect my tickets.
Anyway once my mum found out about the free tix, suddenly theatre became her thing again. She got so excited in fact my father too and she is still raving about the performance even now.I really took the opportunity to tell her how angry and hurt i was when she made up the silly excuse the other night. I told her she should probably think twice before saying something so insensitive again. I think she got the message. I also learnt a valuable lesson. Since i enjoy the arts so much, nothing should hold me back from catching such performance..yeah even if i have to go alone, i shall because our local acts are good and they deserve the support. I also met 3 frens from CSS and i took it as a sign that maybe he's already arranged company for me. The most valuable lesson of all, i realised that these things that happened to me were nothing short of mini miracles and i'm not going to say i was lucky when in fact i was really blessed. I really want to give thanks and praise to God because he's made me feel loved, happy, and appreciated when no one else saw that it was important to make me feel that way. I am consoled that even if everyone i love should abandon me i am always his beloved. I'm not being over dramatic here if you've ever fell rock bottom and then rose back on the top of the world, you;d know exactly what i'm talking about.
Bukit Timah = mountain = lotsa Rain
Lainin liao..big big lain leh...
i'm abit cranky from tut registration but i should really count myself lucky cause i managed to finish doing whatever i had to do by 12.
Anyway Drey wanted to come over to swim but then Lain COMe whad Can We Do..
this ain no ordinary rain k..this is the kinda rain that resulted in the whole Noah's Ark project. I just braved this supernatural down pour of water to rescue mum's laundry.. don't worry i'm fine..shaken but i'm fine realli..
Shi Shang Zi You Ma Ma Hao...
I need human interaction. I feel so lonely when i'm alone.
Alone i was this morning when i woke up.
Started feeling so restless and bored.
Forced myself to study. At least i got something done.
Then you called to check if i was at home.
I got kinda excited. Wonder if i'd get to see you before i left for school.
1pm approached. Looks like no hug before i leave.
I decide to call to make sure you had your key with you.
You tell me you're already at the carpark, told me to meet you.
Then you gave me a Roti Boy Bread. "Coffee and bread your favourite..nah"
"You coming back for dinner anot i cooking chicken rice.. come back lah k.."
One bite of that Roti Boy and i had the energy to take on the world. I guess thats a mother's love for you. 20 Secs is all it takes to go from bored to absolutely loved.
I guess that comes from 9 months of complete reliance on her for every form of comfort.and YES i did go home for dinner and it was bloody good.
I dunno where to start and i dun really like to blog about bad days because it involves reliving those awful moments and then you get carried away pouring your heart out and then people whu care get concerned.. Ooo too much to deal with.. so i'm just gonna say that if i acted or looked like a bitch these 2 days FORGIVE ME.. I would really like to apologise because no matter how shitty i feel, i have absolutely no right to take it out on you whether intentionally or not..so really soory~ Ling thanks for your chocs..they are still cheering me up at this moment..I guess there is a lesson to learn from all this.. whether i like it anot, i'm gonna have to deal with PMS, pressure to do well in school, pressure to be a good daughter, pressure to be a good sister, pressure to be a good catholic, pressure to be a good person..I am gonna have to deal.. but i guess the biggest obstacle is having to understand that if i wanna act brave and shoulder it all by myself, it ain gonna work..i need to stop fretting, and start having faith. If a cap of 3.6 is all i can achieve then so be it lah i guess.. not everyone is second upper class honours material..i guess i'll have my own to offer some day. To quote R.E.M, Everybody hurts sometimes..
So i just watched wedding crashers recently and i just can't help but LURVE such movies. Yes..the story line is oh so predictable but you have to admit its not so easy making a sucessful romantic comedy..some films juat majorlly FLOP..like serendipity..anyways..I've decided to get EVERYONE involved..come on peeps tell me your favourite romantic comedies..i'll start first..*heh* Excited..

1. Pretty Woman
2. Wedding Singer
3. You've Got Mail
4. Love Actually
5. 10 Things I Hate About You
6. Keeping The Faith
7. Notting Hill
8. 50 First Dates
9. One Fine Day
10. Ross and Racheal in Friends *grinz*
potter potter

Was just surfing the net and came across news of the latest Potter movie coming end of the year i think..this is the one about the triwizard contest or something..old liao forgot the exact name but i like this one..you get to see a darker Harry..and when girls are involved it gets intersting YEP this is also the one where we'll get to see Harry's crush Cho Chang. The asian girl that has been cast in that BIG role is alreadi in the spot light even before the movie comes out.. i mean this is like totally the role you should be in if you want immediate spotlight lor..anyway havent read the new potter book yet.. the thing is they take so long to come out, you kinda forget what was in the previous book..sigh..kinda stuck now as to whad i should do.. probably should just read on lah..can't possible re-read everything..
D day
So yest was first day of school. If i sound even slightly remotely enthusiastic, I apologise profusely for misleading you for i was so far away from enthusiastic, it looked like a speck of dust from where I was. 745 phone alarm goes off. 815 i crawl to the bathroom. 9 i leave house. Usually it takes 8 minutes to get to the bus stop but on this day, my feet were like sacks of rocks that i decided to bring along in case someone would piss me off, then i would throw it in their face. I get to the bus stop and people start looking at the sky to see if it was raining because i was pespiring so badly i looked like i just survived the tsunami. After the third piece of tissue, i calmed down enuff to realise how Morning smells like. For 3 months, i lived the life of a brooding demon slayer (think: Van Helsing) minus the accent. I slept at 4 woke up at 12. I forgot how morning smells like and i'm kinda glad i did because dew + smog + engine + freshly laid fertiliser is NOT what you may call Chanel no.5. Unless of course you're in one of those Sound Of Music type shows where you bounce outta bed, kiss your guy without brushing your teeth, Skip over to open the window and find a sparow not pooping on your garden table but singing a sweet computer generated melody..i digress. 963 doesn't let me down and arrives in 5 mins. As i got on the bus, and faked a realistic lookin smile for the bus driver(always smile at the driver its courtesy) i realised that school had INDEED reopened. The bus was filled with "i-can't-believe-they-had-to-start-school-1-day-b4-national-day" faces. Everyones was eyeing me as i made my way to the back i guess because they recognised the same look on my face and they smelt the stench of my scarred undergraduate soul from miles away.I shan't bore you guys with details of what happened in school. I will say however that i was immensely glad to see familiar faces, juniors, old jc mates, old sec school mates from poly.. ah yes nothin more consolin then a familiar face and of course my dearest Ling and MJ. You see, good pals dun stop being good pals just because we hadn't seen each other much durin hols..good pals willingly go thru CBLC printing hell, the sea of boring lectures and listen to your incessant whining even though they are feelin just as shitty if not worse. Yes and they also get you perfect birthday presents that are so made for you even though it was bot of the shelf. I can't stop smiling to myself everytime i see it you guys..thanks realli it made coming back to school one day b4 a public hol so worth it.
A very special message for a very special someone.
Passengers with sensitive eyes or short attention span adviced to skip this post :)I'm always in awe of the bible and the readings it contains because the very same words, read by different individuals bring different and yet totally relevant messages. Those words are like lil' coded personal messages to each and everyone of us from God. Remember how in secondary school, when you and your frens went to different classes but you'd write short letters and notes to each other, fold it up real fancy and pass it to em at the end of the day? Remember how warm and fuzzy you felt when you received the lil' message with its glittery ink and heart motifs. Well, the bible may not be bright pink, or have funky fonts but the emotions it evokes are nothin less.
I went for mass today slightly troubled by the coming school term and the problems that
You shared with me. As always, my Lord he sensed my troubled heart and sent a message so obvious, it was like a 3D projectile billboard with flashing neon lights and screming sirens.
Today's Gospel Reading.Then he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds.
And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone,
but the boat by this time was many furlongs distant from the land, beaten by the waves; for the wind was against them.
And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea.
But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear.
But immediately he spoke to them, saying, "Take heart, it is I; have no fear."
And Peter answered him, "Lord, if it is you, bid me come to you on the water."
He said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus;
but when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord, save me."
Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, "O man of little faith, why did you doubt?"
And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.
And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God." so i got my reassurance from the homily. God will not give you a cross you can't carry and if he gives you a task, he will give you the abilities you'll need to see it thru. Amen! exactly what i needed to hear. But heres the part you need to hear.
If you had any doubts at all about what he has to offer, this message right hear couldn't be any clearer. Look at the passage, you can't deny how symbolic it is. Jesus calming the rough weather, standing on the choppy waves as if to show you that although things may seem to be out of your control and scary, there is nothin, absolutely nothing natural or supernatural that he doesn't have control over. I know you hear him calling. If not, we wouldn't have had the conversation we had. Do you see how the disciple in the passage responds to his calling? reminds you of someone? Just like you, he had his doubts and he needed reassuance. This passage, is your reassurance. He can take away your troubles and worries if you are willing to hand them over. Not just hand them over, do it with faith. Faith can be a tricky thing to grasp and we all falter sometimes but understand that once you embrace him, he will never foresake you even if you decide to foresake him..that is how much he loves you. Don't let future obstacles prevent you from beginning the journey.I promise that the destination is so worth it. I know it may seem abit overwhelming and it takes courage to take the first step. But i'll pray fer ya like i always do and i'm sure you'll come to have faith.

A beautiful day for a blessed covenant of love. Showers of blessing definately a good sign from God.

thats me with my pwetty red skirt. I promised photos of me ina skirt and you've got it. my UNCLE Joseph looks so good in a suit..this picture doesn't really do him justice

I swear that the colour co-ordination with my mum was not planned at all. Dad was all smiles when he saw me in a skirt.And peeps save this photo i doubt i'm wearing skirt again anytime soon

First Look at the official Mr and Mrs Joseph Gil. AWwwwww.. tears of joy from every one..very very meaningful cThe pastor said, marriage is about resting. It is not about striving to make it work, its all about resting and trusting in the Lord's plan.You can never find the capacity to love another unless you find his love.

Me and my dua yee (eldest aunt). I love this photo pity that its blur. My dua yee is the kindest, sweetest and nicest person. She is rock and matron of the family now and shes the one person whom i have the most respect for.She's sacrificed so much and been thru so much but she's accepted Christ now and nothin else matters.

Last Picture of the day. Tired but happy people.

Mum was the person that was absolutely the happiest at the fact that i bot and wore a dress..altho its black and totally simple. Its still actualli a DRESS and its a big deal!!
Take That! you.. "I-only-have-until-size-8" shops!!
ok so i went shoppin todae. After a whole night of feelin so wronged, i went shoppin with a vengence. Okay not exactly vengence more like shoppin with a greater power at my side. Nah nope not the fashion police more like the power of prayer. Both my mum and i said a lil prayer b4 we headed out todae..i mean the wedding is wednesday and this morn i had nuthin to wear! So to cut the LOoong story short, today I was reminded of 2 very important lessons.
1. Why insist on carryin the burden when God is so ever ready to give, if you'd only have the sense to ask?
2. When the Lord gives, he gives abundantly. Overflowing cup people, overflowing!
Yest, i couldn't find anything decent lookin and the best part, they cost a friggin' bomb. Today, we started from CK tang ended at OG Orchard Point. If you will kindly refer to specimen A below,

You'll see that we (mostly I) bought something from 5 different major shoppin centres. A black dress from Tangs (totally just to make my mum happy), Wedding Gift from Taka, Red skirt from Dorothy Perkins at Metro Paragon ( Skirt was only one left in ALL outlets and was 50% percent Off! best part its something i'd actually wear more then once), Acessories from Robinsons and 2 tops from OG (20% off). My mum - the self declared shopping queen of the world has openly relinquished her title to ME for today. you have no idea how mani times today she looked at me with disbelief, shook her head and said :" today arh, realli your day, all got your size, then cheap somemore then nicer somemore..hmmph so unfair." So.. even though i really feel and look uncomfortable in the black dress, i've at least bot some stuff i like and experienced the immense thrill of genuine retail therapy!! It all goes to show,You'd really never know whad yo';d get when you put your trust and faith in the right places. So..your truly was suffering ffrom intensive shopper's fatigue when i came back but i had a smile plastered on my face. You know why? its so seldom that i buy dresses and skirts, DAD's PAYING!! so whu really cares if i dun like the dress? Whhhahahha
Photos From Sat's Dinner at Moi House.
My pwetty aunt, her sweetest (and cutest) fiance and her very french parents. Is it just me or does Joseph's dad look like Colonel Sanders (KFC guy)!

The gaggle of cousins and nieces..You try taking a photo with 4 very high on sugar kids!!